Firefighters warn that a strong wind could shatter part of the facade of Notre Dame Cathedral – 17/04/2019


The firemen of Paris they fear for stability part of the side façades of Notre-Dame Cathedral, from a strong wind could make him fall.

As explained Wednesday at a press conference the body spokesman, Gabriel Plus, "there is a threat on the pediments because the beams do not support them anymore".

As the roof was devoured by the flames, like much of the wooden structure that was under the roof, this sector of construction no longer supports and needs to be strengthenedhe explained. He added that the scaffolding set up for the reform work of the cathedral should be removed as soon as possible.

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"At this moment, the nervous center is in the pediments that are likely to fall and in the scaffolding. they no longer support themselves thanks to the roof, but by themselves, and there may be a weather phenomenon such as the wind that threatens its stability, "warned the spokesman.

The head of the fire department inspection, José Vaz de Matos, explained that part of the north pediment It will take off, in addition to several statues, to guarantee its stability.

Several buildings had to be evacuated precisely because of the threat that the frontons are not consolidated and that the return of the neighbors will not be allowed until "they can not return to a normal life".

Aerial photo of the damage caused by a fire at Notre Dame. About 100 firefighters are deployed to detect areas of the structure that may collapse. AP Photo

Aerial photo of the damage caused by a fire at Notre Dame. About 100 firefighters are deployed to detect areas of the structure that may collapse. AP Photo

In addition, Vaz de Matos stated that scaffolding is currently used to curb some of the wind that leans on the pedimentsbut, once removed, this "defense" will no longer be available.

Some 60 firefighters are still deployed in the cathedral in this monitoring phase, during which experts have already begun to badess the damage and, above all, what are the risks of a collapse or spread of fire somewhere.

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Firefighters pointed out that the rosettes were not damaged by the water used in the extinguishing work, but acknowledged that it was still possible that they fall.

In addition, Plus has ensured that all the paintings of the side chapels are in good condition, as well as all treasures called Treasure of Notre Dame, which could be evacuated in time.

The spokesman said that the firefighter who had been injured during the fire It evolves welland badured that there was "no delay" in the barracks response from the time they received the notice.

Source EFE


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