fires escalate in western US and Canada | Firefighters lack resources in a heatwave


The multiples fires which for several days affected large areas of the west United States and Canada They are progressing strongly and also reducing the resources of firefighters in the context of a dangerous heatwave that afflicts both countries.

Authorities have reported that there are currently more than 2,100 firefighters fighting to contain the widespread Bootleg blaze, located in southern Oregon and near the California border, but also noted that a group important had to retreat as the flames spread through the new heat wave.

California has promised to send more firefighters to help in Oregon, while Ontario, located in eastern Canada, has already received 100 more from Mexico.

El incendio Bootleg, el fuego activo más grande en Estados Unidos, affects an area of ​​1,000 km2 -más extensa que la ciudad de Nueva York- y solo está controlado al 7%, según el sitio web Inciweb, perteneciente al Servicio Forestal de United States.

The official website said that the fire has already destroyed at least 20 houses and that the fire “is still very active and its size is increasing due to the heat, drought and windy conditions.”

For his part, the commander of the fire brigade Rob Allen assured that the perimeter of 320 km of the fire “is a huge line to mark and to support”. “We continue to use all resources, from excavators to tankers,” Allen added Friday.

Meanwhile, dangerous thunderstorms are expected in California, where last year the August complex fire, the largest in modern history in that state, was sparked by a series of lightning strikes.

As for Canada, authorities expect high temperatures in the coming days from Alberta to Ontario, although they will not be as high as the 49.6 degrees Celsius recorded near Vancouver three years ago. weeks.


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