Fires in the Amazon: there were cacerolazos against Bolsonaro in the main cities of Brazil


The national chain speech with which Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has promised to use the army to fight the fires that destroy the Amazon has been halted in many cities across the country. by cacerolazos and horns.

In São Paulo, the largest city in the country, cacerolazos have been heard in lower and middle clbad neighborhoodslike Santa Cecilia, Consolacao, Vila Madalena, in a wealthy neighborhood as Higienópolis and in the two largest favelas of the metropolis, Heliópolis and Paraisópolis, as indicated by the local press.

In Rio de Janeiro, cacerolazos were concentrated in the southern and western areas, particularly in Barra de Tijuca, the upper clbad district where the head of state lives.

"The Cacerolazos were recorded with force", title TV Bayin Savior and in the state of Bahia, ruled by the Party of Opposition Workers, as well as in northeastern cities such as Fortress, Natal, Joao Pessoa, Recife and Maceió.

Cacerolazos have also been reported in the federal capital, Brasiliaand in Belo Horizonte.

These are the first cacerolazos against Bolsonaro of those who registered in Brazil in 2013, to deny the then President, Dilma Rousseff, who resigned in 2016 and on which the former captain and MP based his political rise.

Bolsonaro has also been repudiated major events in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro called by social and environmental movements that demanded their resignation from the government and the protection of the Amazon rainforest.

A protester is taking part this Friday in Sao Paulo, Brazil in a demonstration against the fires that devastate the Amazon and against the controversial reactions of the Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro to the environmental crisis. (Photo: EFE / Fernando Bizerra Jr).
A protester is taking part this Friday in Sao Paulo, Brazil in a demonstration against the fires that devastate the Amazon and against the controversial reactions of the Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro to the environmental crisis. (Photo: EFE / Fernando Bizerra Jr).

Demonstrations also took place in front of Brazilian embbadies and consulates in a dozen countries, including Argentina.

The president said in his statement that the country was fulfilling its duty to take care of the Amazon and explained that forest fires in the region are breeding during the dry months of the north of the country.

"The protection of the jungle is our duty, we are aware of it and are taking action to combat illegal deforestation and other threats that put the Amazon at risk," he said. "We are a zero tolerance government with crime and is no different in the field of the environment, "he added.

Dismantle in the region of Iranduba, in the state of Amazonas. (Photo: REUTERS / Bruno Kelly).
Dismantle in the region of Iranduba, in the state of Amazonas. (Photo: REUTERS / Bruno Kelly).

According to data released this week by the National Institute of Space Research (INPE), the Amazon region has recorded more than half of the 71,497 forest fires detected in Brazil between January and August this year. 83% more than the same period of 2018.

Bolsonaro recalled that on Friday, he had signed a decree authorizing the sending of members and teams of armed forces in the Amazon states who asked them to contribute to the fight against deforestation and firefighting .

The decision was first effective measure President, who initially claimed that the fires were caused by environmental NGO activists who they sought to discredit their government.

Earlier this month, Bolsonaro sparked controversy by referring the director of the National Institute of Space Research, who had warned against drastic increase in deforestation compared to last year.

The fires, captured by a NASA satellite. (Photo: AFP / NASA)
The fires, captured by a NASA satellite. (Photo: AFP / NASA)

Environmentalists ensure that President's position in favor of the mining and agri-food industry Incentives for deforestation in the Amazon rainforest largely explain the 10,000 firefightings recorded since last week.


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