Firm statement by FdT senators against …


The bloc of national senators and senators of the Frente de Todos issued a statement in which they expressed their “absolute solidarity” with the vice-president and president of the Senate, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, and the governor of Buenos Aires Axel Kicillof before the trial of the “future dollar” With a severe criticism of justice.

“One has to wonder what is the real reason why the intervening judges are reluctant to close this absurd case. The answer is simple: we are a few months away from the midterm elections in our country and there is a justice sector determined to repeat, once again, the practice of manipulation and interference by the judiciary in electoral process, acting as an executing arm of the macrista strategy of persecution, defamation and destruction of our political space, ”the statement said.

And he adds: “It is unacceptable that magistrates use their functions to transfer the political debate in our country to the courts. We demand that judges conduct their investigations on the basis of legal criteria and not political interests. If they want to participate in politics, they should resign from their posts in the judiciary and submit to the popular vote, just like us ”.

The text also specifies that the judicial expertise “collapses with force” the case initiated by the Macrista legislators Federico Pinedo and Mario Negri to the authorities of the Central Bank of the time, and that although it is about a self-sufficient entity of the national state, and that the deceased judge Claudio Bonadio extended CFK and the then Minister of the Economy, Kicillof.

“We want a justice independent of other powers and the media and that newspaper covers are not a preview of court decisions,” he said in one of his paragraphs. “By virtue of what is said here, we strongly demand that justice be done,” concluded the statement which bears the signature of all members of the TDF bench.


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