First allergic reaction to Moderna’s vaccine in the United States – News


“After I got the vaccine I had tachycardia, but I thought it was probably anxiety because I was scared after learning about the reactions to the (vaccine from) Pfizer in the United States, specifically in people with shellfish allergies, like me, ”he said last night. geriatric oncologist Hossein Sadrzadeh in the chain CNN.

According to the doctor, his heart rate has increased to 150, while the normal for him is 75.

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“About six or seven minutes after the injection, I felt a strange tingling and numbness on my tongue and also in my throat, the same reaction I had before to my shellfish allergy,” he added. .

Then her blood pressure dropped so low that it was not even detectable with monitoring, so she decided to use an epinephrine auto-injector, used to treat acute allergic reactions to stop or prevent anaphylactic shock. .

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Staff then rushed him to the emergency room, which was just minutes from the room he was in after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.

Four hours later, Sadrzadeh was fully recovered. Boston Medical Center did not provide further details, but confirmed the incident.

Meanwhile, Ray Jordan, a spokesperson for Moderna, pointed out CNN that the US laboratory has not been able to confirm this, but has received information about the possible adverse reaction through its internal safety notification system and is investigating it.

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So far, Moderna’s vaccine is known to cause specific adverse reactions in people who have cosmetic facial fillers, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Advisory Committee.

These patients had swelling and inflammation in the area where the filler was applied after receiving the immunizer, but treatment with steroids and antihistamines resolved the side effects, so it should not be a major problem. .

While it’s still unclear which component of the coronavirus drug can cause a severe allergic reaction in some people, the director of the FDA’s Center for Biological Assessment and Research, Peter Marks, has estimated that polyethylene glycol may be linked to specific occasions with reactions. allergic.

More than a million Americans have already been vaccinated against the coronavirus, health officials said last Wednesday, while next week the government plans to distribute 2.67 million doses of Pfizer vaccine and two million Moderna.

With more than 18.7 million people infected and more than 330,000 deaths, the United States is the country hardest hit by the pandemic in absolute numbers worldwide.


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