First targeted assassination in Gaza since 2014: a Hamas commander – Telam


This offensive constitutes his first selective badbadination officially recognized on this territory since 2014.

Israeli army spokesman, Colonel Ronen Manelis, accused Al Jordari of being "responsible for the Iranian money transfer to militias operating in the Gaza Strip", mainly from the branch Hamas army, Ezzedin al Qbadam Brigades, and Islamic Jihad, as he wrote on his Twitter account.

Palestinian witnesses also reported the death of the militiamen after the Israeli attack on his car as he was crossing the Al Daraj district in central Gaza, according to the official Palestinian news agency Wafa, based in West Bank. quoted by the press agency Europa Press.

Earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the Israeli army to continue its military operations in the Gaza Strip, which yesterday included bombings in that area, in response to the launch of hundreds of rockets. by Palestinian militias. They killed a 60-year-old Israeli.


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