Five days after the massive protests, the Cuban dictatorship continues to detain dissidents: they arrested the leader of the Ladies in White


Berta Soler, leader of the Ladies in White
Berta Soler, leader of the Ladies in White

Cuban regime arrested for the second time in a week the leader of the opposition organization Ladies in White, Berta Soler, while she was traveling in a bus, her husband, the activist Ángel Juan Moya, denounced on his Twitter account.

“Keep on going The missing detainee Berta Soler, leader of Las Damas de Blanco, was arrested on a bus this morning by law enforcement officials from the Department of State Security (DSE) “Moya recently wrote, confirming that It is still unknown where his wife is.

the Tuesday of this week, Soler and Moya had been arrested when they tried to leave their home in Havana, Damas de Blanca reported in a tweet.

Berta Soler, from Ladies in White (Photo: EFE)
Berta Soler, from Ladies in White (Photo: EFE)

the The Ladies in White movement was born in Cuba in 2003 to demand the release of 75 political prisoners. It was originally made up of the wives and other relatives of these detainees. Very close to the Catholic Church, within the framework of masses, these women organize peaceful gatherings, mainly in Havana, dressed in white, to support the imprisoned opponents.

From its foundation to the present day, they have been constant victims of state repression: arrests, beatings, acts of repudiation and even more actions that violate human rights.

Historical events in Cuba

Thousands of people demonstrated on July 11 in the streets of 40 towns and villages in Cuba, punished by the worst economic crisis in 30 years. The protests, which continued in parts on Monday, left one dead, dozens of wounded and more than a hundred detainees.

The government of President Miguel Díaz-Cane ordered the crackdown on protesters and blocked the Internet on the island.

The demonstrations, historic in Cuba, have also provoked a first gesture of the government: authorization for Cubans to enter traditional food, hygiene products and medicines, without limit of value and payment of fees, until the end of the year, a positive measure but insufficient, according to many citizens.

Police in the streets to control protests against the regime in Havana, Cuba (Photo: AFP)
Police in the streets to control protests against the regime in Havana, Cuba (Photo: AFP)

On Friday, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, in a statement called for the death of the 36-year-old protester to be investigated Monday in Havana during clashes between protesters and law enforcement.

“I urge the government to respond to the demands of the demonstrators through dialogue and fully respect and protect the rights of all to peaceful assembly and to freedom of opinion and expression “Bachelet said.

In addition, the former president of Chile expressed concern about the widespread detentions: “It is particularly worrying that there are people reportedly being held incommunicado and people whose whereabouts are not known. All those arrested for exercising their rights must be released without delay ”.

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