Five Habits That Improve Sexual Health


There are actions that together allow us to live a healthy and responsible baduality. Living in this way, influences mood, emotional health and physical well-being. "The World Day for Sexual Health aims, among other things, at bad education, self-respect and the other, "says the badologist and psychologist at Viviana Wapñarsky Clinic Hospital (MN: 24433). is a day of celebration, because talking about pleasure and pleasure ", adds the specialist member of the Argentine Society of Human Sexuality (SASH). From With well-being We summarize some aspects that can improve performance:

1- food

Eating too much fat is not a good idea for a healthy bad life, as it causes drowsiness, heaviness and may even, in some cases, affect the level of badual desire. "Some foods produce effects in our endocrine system, both positively and negatively. In this case, certain foods, such as chocolate, ginger and cinnamon, act as a natural aphrodisiac, "he explains. Nutritionist Mr. Belen Deffelippo Tegaldo (MN 8076) states:

2- Self-knowledge of the body

Before sharing baduality with another person, it is important know your own body. "Sex toys are a good complement, in the case of women, vibrators can be an alternative, while at home, masturbators may be an option," says Maria Jóse Villafañe Palma, an integral therapist in badology. "Lubricants with a heat or aroma effect also give additional stimulations for both men and women, whether they are used alone or as a couple, "he recommends.

3- Exercise regularly

Having an active life keeps us not only in shape, but also generates a widespread sense of welfare. In addition, exercises such as swimming maintain the pelvic floor, which performs functions such as baduality and reproduction. Studies show that people over 50 or 60 who exercise regularly also have a bad life more active than that of people of the same age who have a sedentary lifestyle.

4- Know contraceptives and other preventive measures

You must know the different methods available to avoid both unwanted pregnancies such as badually transmitted infections. "Like chlamydia, gonorrhea, when left untreated, can cause inflammation of the testes and the prostate causing infertility, while women can develop pelvic inflammatory disease that conflicts with their body. breeding area ", explains the gynecologist and specialist in reproductive medicine at IVI Buenos Aires, Barbara Lotti (M.N. 114154).

5- Learn to set limits

We are responsible of our body and maintain its integrity. Staying firm in the decisions you make allows you to manage baduality responsibly. Fighting, strong arguments, disrespect, constant fear and insecurity that can lead to a relationship toxic They can influence your baduality. In a relationship, pleasure, tenderness and affection, they share. Likewise, the right to detach oneself from the other person must be respected if he so wishes.

To close

Consulting a bad therapist is essential when intimate relationships They cause more problems than pleasure. The greatest benefit of being encouraged to consult is that the couple or person can recast the idea that I had about bad and that expands many opportunities to enjoy and live better moments of intimacy. In conclusion, we must give the place it deserves to the badual health and if necessary, choose a professional approved by a company or medical organization.


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