Five keys to knowing what brings back Season 5 of Fortnite


Shock of Worlds with the Wild West, Viking Ships and Teleportation, some of the outstanding features of this new episode of Epic Games

Fortnite, the third-person free shooter that faces 100 players online until it is a survivor, is updated again with the arrival of a fifth installment, or better said season. What are the seasons about? Although this modality is not something new in the world of video games, Epic Games has managed to generate something new: every 10 weeks, Fortnite changes completely. In other words, it maintains its modality against everything, but with a new premise, a completely modified map, new weapons and another spirit keep its participants captivated throughout the year.

What happened last season?

Finished season 4, with
superheroes and villains, who even had the
Featured participation of Thanos, one of the protagonists of Avenger Infinity War.

What brings back Season 5 from Fortnite?

On this occasion, the games propose a crossing of the worlds, with a modified game card under the pretext that it has incorporated different epochs and iconic places within the island.

Now we will have a large sand and desert area called Paradise Palms, which replaces Moisty Mires, a mountain with a Viking village, a golf course called Lazy Links that will replace Anarchy Acres and the giant heads of the island. Easter Island spread on the map with chests to "lootear", as it is known in jargon to the possibility of obtaining various resources to enhance the player's ability.

After each season, the l Fortnite spirit remains firm

  The golf cart, another of the distinctive elements of Fortnite 5
The golf cart, another of the distinctive elements of Fortnite 5

Despite the drastic changes that completely renew the game and offers new opportunities and goals, the truth is that season five of Fortnite does not ignore continuity. For example, he continues to show how the city tilts the towers, while the epicenter of the meteorite fall of the previous season continues in full rebuilding and growth with visible changes.

Regarding the gameplay, new golf carts have been added to travel on the field only or in teams, new fuel pumps and weapons that will not change much
gameplay but it will be fun to try.

This is the new feature

There will also be small luminous markings on the playing field with which, if we come in contact, we are teleported to another area falling from the sky because of the strange rays that cross the map and that can be seen from the ground.

it remains the same: the modalities of the game

  Vikings, one of the novelties brought by the fifth season of Fortnite
Vikings, one of the novelties of the fifth season of Fortnite

The game modes continue from last season, as that of all against all in
solo in teams and duets, and also in this first week will be the opportunity to play in camps facing each other with 50 members on each side.

No connection between Nintendo Switch and PS4

In addition, in the Nintendo Switch version, it adds motion controls but the problem remains unresolved
cross play between PS4 and Switch, a modality that
they agreed to use Nintendo and Microsoft to connect the games of their players. So, if you are still trying to use the user created on PlayStation, you can not use it on the Mario Bros. Laptop.

After some problems with the servers the first day, Fortnite season 5 promises several changes and remains cool the game that tries to maintain the reign of the most played video game, now that the Battle Royale of
H1Z1 and still latent

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