Five rules for eating at the office – 07/02/2019


Taking the candle in the office is a clbadic. However, in recent years, the lack of time – or imagination – to cook every day at home has made the carry (take away) in a more than attractive alternative. Not to mention the delivery, which with the new delivery services becomes an option more and more attractive during working hours.

Whatever the formula, the reality does not stop being the same: Taking a break to go out to eat is a practically endangered practice. These new habits have also changed the unwritten rules of education and hygiene to eat at the office. After consulting with several workers who usually eat in the offices, we have developed five guidelines to be followed during meals.

According to one study, eating at the office while performing other tasks creates interference in the brain.

According to one study, eating at the office while performing other tasks creates interference in the brain.

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1. Do not eat at your desk!

It is well known that swallowing something quickly in front of the computer to keep working can have a negative impact on health. In addition to affecting productivity due to lack of rest during working hours, this practice is opposed to good eating habits.

This is at least confirmed by a survey conducted by Suzanne Higgs, professor of apology psychology at the University of Birmingham (UK), who finds that eating at the office while performing others tasks creates interference in the brain being distracted by two simultaneous activities does not eliminate the feeling of hunger. For this reason, food consumption often increases unconsciously and with it the risk of getting fat.

Against these routines, sometimes the fruit of heavy work or lack of time, there are nutritional currents such as "Mindful Eating", a guide to improve the diet based on the attention paid to what each spoonful takes.

Food and keyboards do not mix.

Food and keyboards do not mix.

2. Stay away from the computer, it is a matter of hygiene

Do not eat in front of the computer is not only a matter of health, but also of hygiene. A 2004 study by the University of Arizona and collected by the British BBC reveals that office keyboards may contain up to 400 times more bacteria than in bathrooms from the same offices. According to findings from research, this is due to poor hygiene habits and the fact that people usually eat while typing.

Far from being alarmist, this habit can cause worries among colleagues. Especially when it is shared machines. Bettina, a night worker at a company, says that what bother her most is finding breadcrumbs on her computer when she changes jobs. Assures that he sometimes had to deal with sauces and coffee grounds. It's a matter of respect!, he says.

A companion complains of very different reasons. Carlos explains that it bothers him never have a conversation with one of their clbadmates because "they eat alone at their table". And eating in the common room seems to be a tool of "socialization". But, as explained below, this can also compromise harmony in the workplace.

Heating the fish in the office can create new enemies.

Heating the fish in the office can create new enemies.

3. Avoid odorous foods

Cauliflower and fish are two of the dishes that, according to the people consulted for this article, not only give off an unpleasant smell, but also tend to endure in the kitchen and especially in the microwave. And the common use of appliances and kitchenware can also become a source of controversy.

4. The refrigerator and salt shaker, reason for the discord

Cristina, responsible for a buffet, explains that most of her employees "forget to fill the salt tank, the oil or simply do not prevent the lack of towels". Ensures that this simple monitoring generates more of a discussion. Not to mention the refrigerator, another element that can cause problems.

And the accumulation of too much food in the refrigerator can cause an unpleasant smell and more if it's food for days. "Sometimes I forget to throw the leftovers that I leave at the desk"Xavier admits. And he's not the only one. Other respondents say that there are chilled foods longer than they should. For this reason, and without having to follow the guidelines of the guru of the Japanese order Marie Kondo, who offers to completely empty the refrigerator every week, just remove the foods you do not want to eat .

The refrigerator as a deposit of leftover food is a source of conflict.

The refrigerator as a deposit of leftover food is a source of conflict.

5. Do not abuse the delivery

The latest annual home-cooked food study conducted by Just Eat adds that demand during the work day has increased in recent years, particularly with respect to Asian foods. So, whenever someone asks to bring lunch to his workplace, the doors open and everyone else does not react in the same way to this interruption.

Laura, who works on the seventh floor of a coworking building, says she's counted nine orders in a day. In his opinion, these constant inputs and outputs are detrimental to his work dynamics. I saw a delivery man from Glovo bring a cup of coffee !, he said indignantly.

In this sense, so that the abuse of delivery services do not become a problem for workers – and in the event that the option of preparing fast and healthy takeaway revenue at the office has been permanently abandoned – there is always get up from the chair and receive the order without delay.

© JARA ATIENZA. L & # 39; vanguard.


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