Five years after impeachment, Dilma Rousseff warned that Bolsonaro was trying to make a “coup in the coup” | “You must understand this game”


Five years after his overthrow, the former Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff asserted that President Jair Bolsonaro flirted with “hitting in the coup” initiated in 2016 with the political trial which removed him from his post on August 31, 2016. The former president called his exit from power a “hybrid war” aimed at implementing a neoliberal model and warned that the planned demonstrations September 7, in support of Bolsonaro, are funded by soy associations, the police and evangelical groups.

“The coup has already taken place (in 2016). What we are experiencing are the stages of a possible hardening of the political regime in Brazil. The government is flirting with the possibility of a coup d’etat in a coup d’etat ”, said Rousseff, representative of the Workers’ Party.

The ex-president warned of a “dress rehearsal for a coup” to be held with the demonstrations called by Bolsonaro for September 7 Independence Day, funded by soy associations, police, and fundamentalist evangelical groups.

“You have to understand this game. The coup d’état took place on August 31, 2016. What we are experiencing now is the possibility of a new coup d’etat based on the derivations of the Hybrid War. Behind it was a parliamentary, judicial and media coup, but above all from the financial sector, from financial capitalism, a neoliberal coup “, argued in an interview with the Perseu Abramo Foundation.

On justice and the arrest of Lula

The former president said that currently the judiciary, especially the Federal Supreme Court, has reacted to Bolsonaro’s authoritarian measures. “It is only now that the Judiciary has perceived the situation? They do it because she has reached them. I knew there would be rapid progress on the institutions “, insured.

Rousseff also argued that the arrest of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to disqualify him in 2018 was part of the the advance of the financial sector to avoid losing control of the country.

Rousseff attacked the Federal Supreme Court for having accepted, at the time, “to have been supervised by the army”, concerning the pressure exerted to keep Lula in prison.

The army in power

In this context, he cited the parallel advance of the power of the army with generals appointed ministers in the Cabinet of institutional security and defense by Temer (2016-2018) and the current Minister of Defense, Walter Braga Netto, intervening in the internal security of Rio de Janeiro.

Regarding Bolsonaro, he argued that the demonstrations that Bolsonarist groups are preparing to protest against the Supreme Court “are a General rehearsal of the move which will depend on the answer you get “.

Bolsonaro, a neo-fascist

Rousseff called Bolsonaro a “neo-fascist” who “does not have the chip of moderation and who needs the conflict” and recalled that the president of the extreme right in 2019, during a visit to Donald Trump, had stated that “he was not going to rebuild anything.” “He has always said the same thing, that he wants to put an end to the communists and the leftists who operate in Brazil,” added the ex-president.

Bolsonaro rose to national fame during impeachment against Rousseff, when you vote in favor of the overthrow celebrated that the president was tortured during the military dictatorship, defend the head of the regime’s secret police, Carlos Ustra. “My vote is in tribute to Carlos Alberto Ustra“said Bolsonaro, ex-captain of the Army.

Rousseff is one of the political prisoners of the dictatorship who spent the most time in detention, from January 1970 to December 1972. She was tortured for 22 days in a row and during her tenure she created the truth commission to investigate on the crimes of An initiative that opened an intern in the army, to the point that, for having publicly criticized him for it, the then brigadier general Hamilton Mourao, now vice-president of Bolsonaro , was made redundant.

Suspicious attack on Dilma’s apartment

On the occasion of the new anniversary of Rousseff’s dismissal, she had a police incident investigated by the Leblon 14 police station in Rio de Janeiro. Last Saturday, strangers broke the door and entered an empty former president’s apartment in the Ipanema neighborhood and in which the mother of the ex-president lived her last years.

The building has a 24-hour doorman and police have called for security cameras to request an investigation.


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