Flavio Azzaro changed his gaze and in the networks they had no pity


Flavio Azzaro is one of the most criticized sports journalists on Argentine television . The media have been the protagonists of several controversies either for its comments on the airwaves or "off the air".

On this occasion, Azzaro became a target of social networks but for his particular haircut. It turns out that the reporter tried to cut his hair, the result was not as expected.

"Today at dawn when everyone is back in their rooms, Flavio asked me for a machine that I should not have lent him", Explained Diego Díaz in the program that both share in TyC Sports. "I would never have imagined that it would cause that to him on the face," continued the driver with mockery

"I do not know how to shave the volume, I make a hole and after the ditch comes shaved "] explained Azzaro. " As he was left without charge, I began to find the prestobarba" he concluded. As expected, the exotic look did not go unnoticed and the memes arrived en mbade

I'm crying pic.twitter.com/6SqOFfuXOr

– ???? Madame Le Mabelle ???? (@LaMeibel) July 8, 2018

Azzaro? Who is Azzaro?
My name is Cosme Fulanito ???? pic.twitter.com/WfsZ6sWJH6

– Martín Poggi (@ martinpoggi93) 8 July 2018

Azzaro, cut those favorites pic.twitter.com/nFYEWn0SEd

– Mechita? ??? (@mechitamss) July 8, 2018

– Azzaro, I told him to cut those favorites! pic.twitter.com/yfRqIryvRp

– Ta then people (@TaLuegoGente) July 8, 2018

Today you become meme Azzaro. pic.twitter.com/dGfMijzLzK

– I ?? (@ Yo89042186) July 8, 2018

Cletus Azzaro pic.twitter.com/g1Ri29BXAD

– Dr. Tillera. (@ lazaritoo78) July 8, 2018

Azzaro, I told him to cut those favorites pic.twitter.com/WLbQHUNZ8a

– Mariano (@esloquuehay) July 8, 2018 [19659007] Flavio azzaro before. Flavio azzaro later ???? pic.twitter.com/pCQFYDMWz5

– JUANMAN ?????? CARP ?????????????????????????????????????????? ??????? (@ JuanMan12571451) July 8, 2018

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