Flexibilizes entry conditions for Venezuelans in Argentina


The measure is given because the number of people who leave the territory presided over by Nicolás Maduro and who ask to reside in the country has increased

The Government has set up a special program to facilitate the entry of Venezuelan citizens to Argentina, the regularization of their migratory status and their social integration in the country.

The decision is adopted while the Caribbean country continues to sink into a very serious crisis and a week after the swearing-in of Juan Guaidó as interim president, while Nicolás Maduro's dictatorship was repudiated.

The so-called program of badistance to Venezuelan migrants was created through the number 520/2019 of the National Directorate of Migration, published this Thursday in the Official Journal.

"It is convenient to dictate a measure that encourages flexibility, simplification and possible exemption, after evaluation of each particular case, from the documentation requirements required by the law and its regulations," the government said. Period in his considerations on the norm. who expressed a "strong desire to help the Venezuelan people who are experiencing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in history".

According to the report of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on migration trends in the Americas in September 2018, the number of migrants in Venezuela increased from 700,000 to 2,600,000 between 2015 and 2018, and 1 800,000 they migrated to countries of South America.

In addition, Migrations recalled that the report of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights of February 12, 2018 titled "Democratic Institutionality, Rule of Law and Human Rights in Venezuela" "reports on the crisis political, economic, social and humanitarian complex to their nationals ".

He also pointed out that the resolution of the Organization of American States (OAS) of 5 June 2018 "reaffirms that an alteration of the constitutional order has occurred" in Venezuela and urged his Government to take steps to "guarantee the separation and independence of the United States". constitutional powers and restore the full power of the National Assembly, the rule of law and the guarantees and freedoms of the people and instruct the Permanent Council to identify appropriate measures to support Member States hosting a growing number of migrants and Venezuelan refugees. "

Similarly, the guidance note on the flow of Venezuelan citizens of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) of March 2018 was taken into account, inviting States to adopt "grant agreements". residence, or alternatively, visas or mechanisms of labor migration, which may offer access to legal residence and standard treatment similar to international protection ".

"In recent years, the incomes of Venezuelan citizens intending to reside in the country have increased exponentially, so it is timely to adopt some measures that can find solutions to the various difficulties that affect this population, "said the agency that reports to the ministry. from the inside.

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