Flights from Great Britain suspended for the new …


In line with several European countries, the government national decided to suspend all flights with Great Britain, after the appearance of a new strain of coronavirus. This was confirmed by a senior National Executive source to this newspaper, who indicated that a plane will arrive from London on Monday, which cannot be canceled, but that from Tuesday all connections will be canceled. In Italy, for example, the first contagion with this new variant of covid-19 has already been recorded.

The details of the measure will be stipulated the next On Monday, during an emergency meeting, the Ministry of Health assesses new scenario. Since Ministry of transportation that Mario Meoni also drives confirmed the news to this log and they are work in coordination with Migrations.

Especially British Airways flight BA245 is already in flight, dated arrival for him Monday 9:20 a.m.. From the portfolio that leads Ginés González García They indicated that a track all passengers of this plane.

In this way, Argentina joins to the list of 11 European countries which have decided to suspend their flights with the United Kingdom. At a time, Israel has also decided to cancel air links with the country led by Boris Johnson.

The news from London does not bode well at all: the British Prime Minister announced on Saturday that both the capital and the south-east of England would once again have to comply with strict containment due to the new variant of the virus which, he said, could be 70 percent more contagious, according to preliminary data.

For his part, the British Minister for Health, Matt Hancock, admitted this Sunday that new strain of coronavirus detected in London and south-east is “out of control” and that is why the government had to act “swiftly and decisively”.

A negationist leader

It is curious that the Argentine opposition accuses Alberto Fernández of having decreed an early quarantine, which they falsely described as “the longest in the world” and that in the countries of the so-called first world, several leaders denied the lethality of the virus. One of them was Boris himself Johnson, that at the beginning bet for the “collective immunity”: allow the majority of citizens to continue to circulate, to become infected and to become immunized against the virus.

Cases skyrocketed and he had to order a quarantine. So he himself caught and it was three nights in intensive care. As if that weren’t enough, the situation in Britain is now out of control, it has had to return to full containment and a new strain of the virus is putting the rest of the world at risk.


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