Flights: Nation Reduces Cost of Costs and Benefits Neuquén Section


The government reduce the cost of airport charges by 56% for regional flights, during the expansion from next May the radius of action outside the country, between 300 and 1,000 kilometers, which calculates that will benefit more than 250,000 pbadengers 14 routes operated by different companies in the country.

The measure pbaded through a resolution of the Administration of National Civil Aviation (ANAC) reduces the cost of royalties since the $ 4.42 that was paid per pbadenger boarded flights with destinations up to 300 kilometers are now extended by 700 kilometers.

In addition, the resolution establishes that this rate will be subsidized during the first year 50% in the case of regional flights operating new routes, with which the cost of the pbadenger will be 2.21 dollars.

So this has an impact on the price

Reducing the costs of airport charges directly benefits the pbadenger, because today, for example, a return flight between Buenos Aires and Porto Alegre, at a cost of $ 386 for February, of which 118 are taxes and royalties.

Of these 118 dollars, 20 corresponded to the airport tax, which as of May 10 will be reduced to $ 8.84.

According to the resolution, the costs of airport charges they were $ 10 for international flights$ 4.42 for regional flights, which now cover up to a thousand kilometers from the border, and $ 20 for cabotage flights.

The sections have benefited

Neuquén – Santiago de Chile,

Buenos Aires – Porto Alegre,

Córdoba – Asunción,

Cordoba – Punta del Este,

Cordoba – Santiago de Chile,

Mendoza – The Serena,

Rosario – Punta del Este,

El Palomar – Punta del Este,

Tucumán – Santiago de Chile,

Salta – Santa Cruz de la Sierra,

Salta – Iquique,

Salta – Asunción,

Rosario – Porto Alegre,

Rosario – Santiago de Chile.

"The measure will encourage start to be operated 47 other new routes that have been requested by nine companies in recent years, because not only the value of the rate will be reduced, but also in the first twelve months, they will pay 50% ", said the head of the ANAC, Tomás Insausti.

Insausti explained that with this new resolution "Connectivity is encouraged "between provinces and countries in the region, which aims to increase flights to Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay.

"Cabotage is growing rapidly and we must take measures that reduce the costs of regional flightsand encourage the development of more roads connecting provinces to neighboring countries, "he said.

Telam Agency.


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