Floods in Asunción: more than 40,000 people evacuated by overflowing Paraguay River


More than 40,000 people had to be evacuated in Asunción because of the floods caused by the overflow of the Paraguay River. The collapse of the water channels in the central area of ​​the country forced the Paraguayan authorities to closure of 197 schools in the capital and in the cities of San Lorenzo and Fernando de la Moraconglomerates most affected by water.

Although there were no deaths, the Minister of the Interior of the Government of Mario Abdo Benítez, Juan Ernesto Villamayor, Urged residents of the main affected communities to "maintain calm and shelter in safe places, while avoiding the dangers of traveling in bad weather". "The national police deploy all its resources, especially in the capital, there are critical areas," he said. Villamayor in front of the local media.

The Meteorology and Hydrology Department of Paraguay published a weather alert until Saturday for "rain with moderate to strong thunderstorms, gusts of strong to very strong winds and occasional hailstorms" on the center, north and east of the eastern region and the Paraguayan Chacho. The report predicts that precipitation, punctually intense, could accumulate between 70 and 100 millimeters.

The Paraguay River it's one of the major tributaries of the Cuenca del Plata. With more than 2600 km. full-length, born in Brazil and throws himself into Argentina, through Paraná River. Water authorities in Paraguay estimate that river flow only begins to drop in August, after recording this month one of the highest peaks.



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