Florencia Kirchner asked permission to stay 45 more days in Cuba


Florencia Kirchner, the daughter of Cristina and Néstor Kirchner, ordered the judge to stay 45 days longer in Cuba, in order to continue his medical treatment.

The young woman has applied to the Federal Oral Court 5 -Who manages the file "Los Sauces" – and before the Federal Oral Court 8 who leads the cause "Hotesur" -.

The decision will remain in the hands of the medical profession, which must badess whether Florence is able to travel or should stay a few more weeks Judge Daniel Obligado intervened with the forensic body to badyze his medical history.

Cristina Kirchner yesterday published a summary of the girl's health status on her Twitter account, as indicated by the doctors: "The patient is currently undergoing a comprehensive study that is not yet complete and a daily physiotherapy treatment. For all the above, the trip is not recommended ", details the statement.

Friday, in court, we will present the summary of the clinical history of Florence where are detailed medical diagnoses concerning your health. It is she, by virtue of the lies and lies published these days, who asked me to get to know each other in public. pic.twitter.com/pBn32xSwh7

– Cristina Kirchner (@CFKArgentina)
March 21, 2019

"Friday, in court, we will present the summary of the clinical history of Florence where medical diagnoses related to your health are detailed. It is she, by virtue of the lies and lies published these days, who asked me to make myself known publicly, "said the former president, who is already in Argentina.

For the time being, the young woman is hospitalized at the Center for Research in Surgical Medicine (CIMEQ), with an image of lymphoedema.

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