Florencia Kirchner has until 9 April to appear before the courts


Federal Court of Justice (TOF) No 5, which carries out the Case The Willows will give you 48 hours more Florencia Kirchner give an account of your state of health. The court had granted the daughter of the presidential marriage until Thursday, April 4 to return to Argentina or present a documentation with the medical history, the studies that have been carried out and the report of the doctors of Havana, then evaluate the possibility of reviewing their position by forcing them to return to the country.

The young woman went to Cuba in mid-March with a judicial authorization, then requested an extension of her stay due to medical treatment against lymphedema. The Hotesur Federal Court (TOF) No. 8 allowed him to remain in the country until 15 April, but the TOF 5 judges decided that the deadline expired yesterday.

Carlos Beraldi: "Florencia Kirchner is not healthy to come back"

In this context, the girl from the presidential wedding must appear to inform her of her return home within 48 business hours following this period, that is to say: the first two hours of judicial activity – between 7:30 and 9:30 – next Tuesday, according to the agency Telam. In case he does not show up, the court will decide the order ordered in case of non-appearance.

"We do not understand why the TOF wants it to be here. There is no legal process in sight, nor trial date. In addition, court experts say that he must return when he will be released, "they said at the request of justice about Florence's defense.

It should be noted that the TOF 5, composed of Judges José Martínez Sobrino, Daniel Obligado and Fabiana Palotti, he declared himself incompetent in the case of Los Sauces and sent him to the Cbadation Chamber to decide which court should continue with the trial. In this context, the possibility that Florencia Kirchner is declared rebellious is considerably reduced.

The daughter of the presidential couple is confronted with a complex judicial panorama: in Los Sauces y Hotesur was prosecuted as a member of an illicit badociation for his participation in the hotel company to which he is accused of laundering money of illicit origin.



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