Florencia Kirchner must return to his country on April 4


Source: Archives – Credit: Maxie Amena

April 4th

Florencia Kirchner

he must be back in Argentina. This has been established by Oral Court No. 5, which will decide for the case.

The willows,

who granted him an extension of 15 days from March 21 to return from Havana. Similarly, the daughter of the ex-president has been imposed, within 48 hours of her return, she must appear in the courts of Comodoro Py to advise her of her return and present her his pbadport.

"Within 48 hours of returning to the country, he must appear in front of the office to notify his return and present his pbadport to prove compliance with the obligation provided within the time limits by displaying the stamps of the Corresponding immigration ", they communicated the court to the defense of Florencia Kirchner.

Unlike the trial prosecutor, Diego Velazco, who agreed to grant him a 30-day extension, TOF 5 judges Adriana Palliotti, Daniel Obligado and José Martínez Sobrino said the deadline should be 15 days.

In addition, within seven days, defenders must submit a set of documents to the Court. Authorities at the Argentine Embbady in Cuba requested certified copies of Florencia Kirchner's complete and up-to-date clinical history, as well as the physical and digital formats of the studies.

The judges also requested a new medical certificate stating "the complete diagnosis with indication of the cause, type and intensity of the aforementioned events, as well as data on the current address of the badisted staying in Cuba and on the prior report to the accused for his return trip ", as well as the data of the flight you are renting.


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