Florencia Kirchner stays in Cuba until her release | Chronic


The lawyer of Florencia Kirchner, Carlos Beraldi, presented Monday afternoon in court the medical history of the daughter of the former president Cristina Fernández and baderted that his defendant would remain in Cuba until he received the medical discharge.

"Florencia Kirchner will continue abroad, under medical treatment, until his release", said Beraldi, in a dialogue with the press, after leaving the hearing with the judges of the Federal Oral Court (TOF) 5, which gave him until tomorrow to appear before the local justice.

Judicial sources confirmed that the lawyer of former President Fernández had also submitted all the requested information, so that the TOF would be able to determine if it allowed him to extend his stay in Cuba .

Beraldi reported that, in addition to the medical history, he had provided a series of badyzes and medical advice prepared by three health professionals also university professors.


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