Florencia Kirchner: the court asks Monday to the medical staff to analyze the medical history


Federal Court No. 5 cited for Monday at 2 pm by the Comodoro Py forensic body diagnosis of clinical history presented by the lawyers of Florencia Kirchner, who is the subject of an investigation in the Los Sauces case. The daughter of Presidents Néstor and Cristina Kirchner is undergoing medical treatment in Cuba and professionals will decide whether or not to continue working outside the country.

The three judges will consult each other on whether Florence's disease – lymphedema – can be treated only in Cuba or whether it can also be treated in Argentina; if the patient is in a condition to return to our country and if the treatment that ensues on the island can be interrupted.

By handing over Florencia Kirchner's full medical file after setbacks, his lawyer, Claudio Beraldi, asked let her stay on the island until she is released.

The members of the court, however, ordered the lawyer that his accused is periodically presented to the Embbady that Argentina has in Cuba.

This Thursday, the former president and senator of Unidad Ciudadana, Cristina Kirchner, asked the Federal Court of Comodoro Py permission to leave the country for ten days to be with his daughter in Cuba between the 20th and the 30th of April.

In the case of Los Sauces, the former president, her children Máximo and Florencia, as well as others prosecuted for crimes allegedly committed with renting property from the presidential family to beneficiaries of public works will be judged.

Something similar has been investigated in the Hotesur case, with hotels, and that is why the prosecution has now asked that both investigations result in a single oral trial.


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