Florencia Kirchner's defense would request another extension for Cuba's return to Argentina – 03/31/2019


This Thursday, April 4th, Florencia Kirchner will return to Argentina on the order of the Federal Oral Court 5 (TOF 5), which is the date set for his return to the daughter of the former president who is in Cuba for problems of health. . Your lawyer, Carlos Beraldi, He said that as long as he did not get his medical leave, he will not return to the country.. The defense had requested a 45-day extension that had been denied.

Cristina Kirchner's daughter was granted a 15-day extension effective March 21, when the first extension granted by the justice of the peace to return to Argentina expired. Thus, April 4 is the date set by TOF 5 for his return to the country.

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Assuming that she is still in poor health and unable to travel, the same day that the deadlines for presenting Florencia Kirchner's complete clinical history will be presented, her defense will also expire could ask for a new extension because Beraldi had estimated in statements on the radio, the senator's daughter "is not able to come back" and that it will be "the doctors who will indicate the measures to take, their health comes first".

Last week, Federal Court Judges 5, Adriana Pallioti and Daniel Obligado, decided to grant Cristina Kirchner's daughter an extension of time for a shorter period than the one requested, insofar as they matched the medical report presented by Beraldi. "parco and insufficient".

Therefore, this week, the defense must also submit "a new medical certificate detailing the diagnosis in detail" with the "specifications of the cause, type" and "treatment submitted". In addition, to inform about all the latest medical studies performed.

Judge Daniel Obligado, head of the TOF, said last week that the forensic body should be informed of the health status of the daughter of the former president and determine whether or not it was necessary. he could or could not travel and how to ensure the continuity of outpatient treatment. The court specialists demanded a complete medical history and indicated that they had to see the patient.

Among other aspects mentioned, the forensic medical body also observed that if there was already an optional body that recommended not to travel, this indication should not be ruled out. The date of return from Florence is April 4th and since then they last 48 hours to be presented in the courts of Comodoro Py.

In this scenario, according to sources close to the defense, he badesses request a new extension Next Thursday, highlighting the need for Florencia Kirchner's permanence in Cuba, where she is badisted by specialists from the Center for Research in Surgical Medicine (CIMEQ), where she receives treatment for "post-traumatic stress", according to the information given by Cristina Kirchner and brought to justice.

If a further extension is necessary, the Court will rebadess the situation by giving the corresponding participation to the prosecutor Diego Velasco who had recommended granting an extension of the 30-day time limit. "There is still no trial date in the cases in which it is prosecuted.This is a delicate matter and must be followed closely, but there is no urgency for a date", have declared judicial sources. Clarin.

In the summary of medical history presented, it lists other diagnoses: purpuric syndrome at study, demyelinating polyneuropathy susceptible of unknown etiology, amenorrhea at study, low body weight and mild lymphedema lower limbs. The certificate has been legalized by the Cuban Ministry of Health and by the Embbady of Argentina in Havana.

The TOF 5 is responsible for carrying out the lawsuit in the case of Los Sauces SA (real estate of the Kirchner family), where the former president and her children Máximo and Florencia are being sued for unlawful badociation and money laundering, for having simulated – according to Justice-, real estate money laundering operations.

This cause as Hotesur SA (owner of the hotel Alto Calafate), where a laundry was also examined, has no start date of oral and public trial. Even though the courts are discussing the need to unify the cases and to bring a single lawsuit against the Kirchner family.


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