Flu shots: Are you in a risk group who should receive them for free?


Tuesday, July 17, 2018 19:33

The provincial health system badures the community that all individuals in the at-risk group will receive the appropriate dose. The province received 101,000 doses distributed at primary health centers, polyclinics and hospitals, which will be distributed free of charge. Next week, we will receive 36,000.

In order to protect the population most exposed to the complications of influenza, began the free application of the dose. The Head of the Department of Immunization of Siprosa, Ricardo Cortez, stated that that the vaccines arrive, they are distributed in the 400 vaccines in the province.

"At this time, we have no vaccines In addition, the vaccination squad is going through different institutions, placing the dose to all people who have risk factors" explains

"In this first step we have already vaccinated about 30 thousand people belonging to the group at risk . We must remember that the bronchiolitis virus and the virus of the flu have begun to circulate, so we recommend that people at risk of getting vaccines . "

Who should receive the vaccine? Influenza

Health Personnel

Pregnant, at any time of pregnancy

: until 10 days after delivery, if they did not receive it during pregnancy.

All children aged 6 to 24 months ( should receive two separate doses for at least 4 weeks)

Children and adults aged 2 to 64 years have respiratory problems, heart problems, conbad or acquired immunodeficiencies, patients in oncohematology and transplanted.

Obese persons having a body mbad index greater than 40.


Persons with chronic renal failure on dialysis

Persons over 65 years of age.

Co-survivors of sub-oncological patients

Babies cohabiting premature infants less than 1500 g.


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