Flybondi begins progressive renovation of its fleet


The low-cost airline Flybondi has announced that it will begin the gradual renovation of its fleet, with the aim of integrating smaller aircraft than the current one, which will begin with the replacement of one of the 17-year-olds for a 737-800 NG manufactured in 2008.

The replacement will be made during June and the company will have only four planes for 15 days, due to the delivery process of the new aircraft. Thus, between June 17 and July 3, the Neuquén-Mendoza and Tucumán -Rosario routes will not be operational.

The company said that only the mentioned links would be affected while the 24 others would continue at their normal frequency.

The new aircraft, with 189 seats, a unique clbad and configuration identical to that of the rest of the fleet, was operated by Jet Airways, India, until March of the current year and had already been used by Air Vanuatu since its construction. It is currently undergoing readjustment and development at GMF (Garuda Maintenance Facilities) in Jakarta, Indonesia.



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