Following the announcement by Hernán Lacunza of the re-cancellation of the short-term debt, the dollar closed at $ 60.30 and the country risk at 2225


With an advance of 13 cents, the greenback ended at $ 56.15 on average for the tip and $ 60.30 for the seller.

At Banco Nación, the ticket was priced at $ 60, while the highest price was posted at the HSBC booth at $ 61.50.

The wholesale trade sector offered the dollar at $ 57.90, about twenty cents lower than Wednesday, after six consecutive increases.

As for Country risk closed at 2225. This is the indicator prepared by JP Morgan that measures the difference paid by the US Treasuries compared to those of the rest of the countries. It should be noted that he shot again on Tuesday and reached a new maximum of over 14 years.

As well With regard to Leliq (liquidity letters), the Central Bank proceeded to the first 7-day auction for an amount granted amounting to $ 54,238 million, with an average cut-off rate of 75,456%., the minimum rate being 74.950% and the maximum fixed of 79.90%.


On Wednesday, the dollar soared above $ 60, the country risk was in more than 2,000 points and bonds collapsed up to 14%. Of the securities nominated in dollars, the Bonar 2024 fell by 7.4%; the 2020 Bonar, 13.95%; and the discount, 6.3%.

It should also be noted that on Wednesday the Ministry of Finance had to refinance some 2.6 billion US dollars in pesos and dollars, but the operation that had been abandoned was a clear example of the uncertainty of the markets and the country.


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