Following the IMF's warning, the government is setting up a new moratorium


The agency asked the government to take measures to "increase tax revenue so that the fiscal situation of 2019 reaches the primary balance"

Government must take action "increase tax revenues so that the fiscal situation of 2019 reaches the primary balance". The categorical badertion of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) commissioned by Christine Lagarde leaves no room for doubt.

One of the options would be the increase or creation of new taxes, measures that the economic reality is responsible for giving up immediately. Therefore, there are two ways: a new money laundering and a new moratorium. The whitening is thrown, Congressional approval is required, which would delay and make this option unviable.

Depending on the information you could access iProfessionnel, the decision to launch a new moratorium is already taken. It remains to define details that are not minor, for example, if the term will be 10 or 5 years.

Generalized claim

"The current economic context, requires the promulgation of a law providing for a broad moratorium that allows MSMEs in particular to regularize their 10-year obligations, with cancellation of interest and fines. In addition, it is necessary to avoid requiring a payment on account to be able to enter this moratorium, "said Sebastián M. Domínguez, partner of the DDC Asesores Tributarios.

"Keep in mind that in recent payment plans, a percentage of payment on account is required, which prevents many companies from participating in the plans. there is a permanent payment plan, it is insufficient", badured Domínguez.

Similarly, Marcelo H. Echevarría, a criminal lawyer, said that "what would benefit any businessman today. would be the implementation by national legislation of a very large moratorium on taxation and social security, which facilitates the adoption of a plan of payment facilities which allows all taxpayers to regularize all the debts contracted, both current debts and historical debts, which should be considered (and should therefore be sanctioned by : National Congress) a tolerance of interests ".

"The good taxpayer he wants to pay in full his tax and social security obligations so as not to have to deal with AFIP, insofar as this generates an uncomfortable situation with countless additional expenses that must be faced with a request from the collection agency, as well as a tax execution judgment, "added Echevarría.

"For this reason, among many others, we do not share the opinions that businessmen finance themselves by not paying the AFIP, speculating on the argument that the interest charged by the Agency is lower than that to be paid in banking, "said the expert.

"In a crisis like the one we are currently experiencing, it happens that, given the lack of liquidity, one must choose to pay the AFIP or the salaries of the employees or the basic services needed for the company to keep walking, "added.

"The implementation of a new, far-reaching moratorium this seems to be a very positive measure for the oxygenation of companies, insofar as it will promote recovery and mitigate the current irregular situation that a significant number of taxpayers would maintain before the Agency, due to outstanding debts or reduced payment deadlines due to the material impossibility of their payment. to face, "concluded Echevarría

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