Food has only increased by 30% in the last 20 days


04-07-18 In the midst of the currency crisis, the prices of food, personal hygiene and cleanliness increased to 28.7% in 20 days, according to A survey conducted by consulting firm Focus Market

The survey, which measures price changes relative to the exchange rate, shows that the category of products that has made the most progress is that of chocolates (28.7%), dried pasta (22.2%) and oils (15.5%). Followed by Spreads (11%), soft drinks (10.1%), herbs (8.3%), biscuits (8.1%), mayonnaise (8%) and butter (7%). 6%).

During this period, the currency appreciated by 35.6%, from US $ 20.47 on April 20 to US $ 27.76 on June 22. "In the last three weeks, they have higher increases that speak of an acceleration of the indicator," the report says. He added: "The change in the dollar seems to influence prices after two weeks of the increase in value."

For Focus Market, "the average of the categories continues to accelerate but not at the pace of the depreciation of the peso against the dollar due to the contraction of demand and of each consumption." [19659003] For its part, the legal representative of Free Consumers, Hctor Polino, informed yesterday that according to the survey conducted by the entity in supermarkets and In the retail shops of the city of Buenos Aires, the price of the 38 basic basket items increased 3.22% during the month of June. As of January 1, the accumulated amount is 13.69%. Follow-up was done at Coto and Plaza Vea supermarkets; and in the supply centers in the neighborhoods of La Boca, Caballito, Liniers and Pompeya.

As of June 2017, the increase in this basic food basket was 1.16% and the January to June 30, 2017 was 8.89%.

Source: BAE

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