For a lemon, you pay 14 times more than what the producer receives |


The price differential between the origin and destination of agricultural commodities increased 1.3% in June. On average, the consumer paid 5,28 times more gondola than the producer received at the door of his field for the products.

The report of the Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises (Came) pointed out that, as a positive fact, the producer's participation in the final prices of the products studied amounted to 24.6%. Although the same is weak

Cam indicated that 64% of agricultural products consumed fresh had high price differentials in June and were very high between what the consumer pays and what the producer receives.

The most abusive cases were the lemon, where the price has been multiplied by 14.1 since he left the producer's field; orange, with a multiplication of 11 times; garlic and pear (7.9 times) and mandarin (7.6 times)

In contrast, in other products such as strawberries, the consumer paid only 1.32 times more than the producer received; in the case of egg 2.17; in 2.45 chicken meat and onion, 2.67 times

On average, for the 25 farm-animal products badyzed, the price difference between what the consumer paid in the gondola and what that the consumer received The producer at the gate of his field in June was 5.28 times, 1.3% more than in May. This is the fourth consecutive month that this gap is increasing

The data come from the Origin and Destination Price Index developed by the Came Regional Economics sector based on prices provided by the United States. referents of more than 25 primary production complexes. , the daily online prices of the major supermarkets in the country and more than 500 grocery and market prices for each product.

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