For a new national sovereignty | See you at ATE …


In front of Malvinas veterans, the elected governor of the Tierra del Fuego province Gustavo Melella closed the day of sovereignty for Argentina at the headquarters of the Association of Workers of the Falklands. 39 State (ATE) of the federal capital. "As soon as we badume December 17, we will put into operation the secretariat of the Falklands, Antarctic and South Atlantic," Fuegian said before the applause from across the l & # 39; auditorium. From the day organized by the Political Group for Sovereignty (GPS) also participated the former ambbadador of Argentina to the UK and former national deputy Alicia Castro, as well as the journalist of the Page 12 Luis Bruschtein, among other specialists in the field.

Melella acknowledged the commitment of the presidential candidate of the Front of All, Alberto Fernández, in the fight for the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands. He added that the former chief of staff had agreed to include another point in the agreement that he had signed in Rosario with the governors, before the end of the campaign. "They said 5 points, we ask you 6. What we added, is that when I'm president, I denounce the Madrid agreements I and II," said the mayor of Rio Grande. This bilateral pact, signed in 1989, put an end to the dispute over the islands between the Argentine and British states and an "umbrella of sovereignty" was created. "It is no less, for us, it is an obligation to do it, not for him, he could have said no, that a presidential candidate has such a clear position and firm, it's thank him on behalf of all.That will change the story, "he remarked.

Before the closure of Melella, the veteran and president of the GPS, Edgardo Esteban, defined his group not only as a Falklands hero center, but as "a construction that wants to look to the future, bring the military cause of the Falklands being We do not want to ask for ourselves, we want to contribute to the struggle that means sovereignty, which is neither maritime nor territorial, but cultural, social and educational. "At the forefront , the general secretary of the ATE of the capital, Daniel Catalano, the host of the afternoon, watched it. Esteban is questioned about the ease with which macrismo has destroyed some of the victories of the previous leadership, such as the law on audiovisual communication services, and launched the challenge of "making the glbades hard enough to withstand to these stones and come do not break them so easily, "he said about the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu metaphor.

Alicia Castro participated in a panel with the UBA Telecommunications Specialist and University Professor Ariel Garbarz, former director of the Argentine Antarctic Institute Mariano Memolli and Julio César Urien, President of the Interactive Foundation for the Promotion of Water Culture (FIPCA). "It seemed to me that, despite all the communication apparatus available to the Buenos Aires city government, with the segmentation of the hearings, we are fighting them with a cumbia," said the former ambbadador about from the hit cumbiero anti Larreta, If you want them, and the audience burst out laughing. Commenting on her participation in the management of former President Cristina Kirchner, he said: "In the past ten years, we have been defending the Malvinas as a regional cause, not just in Argentina, our entire continent. rejected the existence of a neocolonial anchorage south of our mainland, "recalled the former deputy.

The day ended with the harangue "Patria Sí, Colonia No". Before concluding her speech, Melella recalled that the Cambiemos government "has put in place a guarantee to the IMF on all national, provincial and municipal natural resources, in case we do not pay. greater contribution to our sovereignty than that. "

Report: Antonio Riccobene


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