For Alberto Fernández, Cristina Kirchner will not be sentenced


Consulted by cycle pilots Thread, Eduardo Van der Kooy and Daniel Fernández Canedo, on the possible forgiveness for his formula companion and for another former servant of the Kirchner, Fernandez badured that it was "unrealizable"

"I do not need to give thanks to Cristina Kirchner: if the law works, she will never be condemned. (…) I believe in his innocence, "said the Peronist leader.

"This is not a threat, if I will not solve this problem. Since when do presidents solve the fate of judges? If you ask me if you will go to court, the answer is no, "he added.

Fernandez also stated that it was "illegal" and "arbitrary" that the former vice president be in prison. Amado Boudou and the former Federal Planning Minister Julio De Vido.

"It is illegal for them to be imprisoned, it is arbitrary. In Argentine criminal law, we are all innocent until proven otherwise.. No decision has been made so far and incredible things have been said, "he said.


On the other hand, he felt that his request was already adding support from "half block" of Members of the Renovador Front and that "not to add to (Sergio) Mbada would not be a failure".

"I would never have accepted that I was a candidate and Cristina went home. It is clear that people are taking a stand for a formula while opponents embrace laughter with (Mauricio) Macri, "he said, possibly evoking the governor of Cordoba, Ricardo Schiaretti.

Regarding the economic situation, the former chief of the cabinet of Néstor Kirchner expressed concern "by the fact that the IMF supports a government and not a country", that Macri leaves Argentina "pulverized" and that if he is elected, he will pay the debts with the International Monetary Fund.

"We are still paying the debts they left behind", Fernandez ratified, questioning the level of debt when managing Macri, and baderted that it" is clear that the problem is Macri, we are in a defect of infiltration"


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