For Alberto Fernández, the dollar jump "was striking" and pointed to Macri: "Create the idea of ​​instability"


The presidential candidate of Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernández, was surprised by the blow received on Monday. As he has badyzed, this is a subject that should be investigated because It was "striking" the operation of the central bank during the day. In this sense, he pointed directly against Mauricio Macri. "Create the idea of ​​instability"he said and rejected that if your triumph is consolidated in October, there will be an exchange rate.

Invited to the program Central Korea of NET TV, the former chief of staff K badyzed the results of the PASS and the impact of the polls on the closing of the American currency. "The Central Bank sold $ 400 million a day Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Today, with 100, such a collapse occurs", expressed concern and argued that this is a subject that should be studied.

After imposing the Ensemble for Change formula with 47.37% of the votes nationwide, Fernandez said he was willing to talk with Macri, but that he had significant differences with his management. "If he needs me, I'll talk to him tomorrow, but I do not want to lie to people," he said.

During the interview, the candidate reiterated that the government's economic model "no longer stands" and questioned how the executive manages disbursements from the International Monetary Fund. "It was pathetic, if we did not have the support of the IMF we would be in default," he said.

In turn, Fernandez was calm about his possible victory in October. "I know where I'm going to play," he said in reference to his political experience. In the same spirit, he dismissed the official vision of his possible management. "We are not preparing a closed economy with stocks. The president only thinks about the campaign, deepens the crack and polarizes, "he said.


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