“For all of Argentina, this abortion is legal”, the song by Palito Ortega with which the half-sanction was celebrated


There are 131 upvotes and an explosion in the streets. Friends kissing each other, a sea of ​​green scarves, a woman bursting into tears, arms the pogo between green and purple fumes. “We can’t get over the excitement”they say from the countryside scene. As in 2018, legal abortion got half the penalty. The salary in the Senate is dated December 29. And from here they already say that this year Christmas will be green.

“Christmas Eve is approaching, Christmas is approaching, for all of Argentina, that abortion is legal “, sing the hit of this mobilization, to the rhythm of “Mom’s smile”, A song by Palito Ortega which was also an anthem on the football fields, thousands of women, lesbians, transvestites, friends, colleagues and activists. They spent the night jumping, to the rhythm of a party, because the half-penalty was seen coming, and also dancing, to the rhythm of a wish.

“May it be the law and that all women who want to have an abortion can have it accompanied, because now there are many raped women who still do not have access to abortion”, says Isaura Olguera (48) , under a MST banner.

She is a seamstress and came from Pilar on Thursday evening. “When I was 8 I was sexually abused and it always stuck in my head that if I hadn’t been so young I could have gotten pregnant. I think of all the girls who have had to go through this in hiding, for fear or because of the health system which often refuses to resort to non-punishable abortion. And in all those who unsafe abortions and they could never get pregnant again, ”she said.

Celebrations of the half-sanction to legalize abortion in Argentina.  Photo credit: Rolando Andrade Stracuzzi

Celebrations of the half-sanction to legalize abortion in Argentina. Photo credit: Rolando Andrade Stracuzzi

“I have a deeply secular and atheistic desire and, as was the case in 2018, my wish is that it becomes law this year, because it is urgent, a debt of democracy, you cannot continue to maintain illegal abortion, ”he says. Bugle Elsa Schvartzman, historical reference for the Campaign for Legal, Safe and Free Abortion. With a green dress and a scarf, Martha Rosenberg agrees: “The Senate was present at the work of the committee and we believe that there is a determined will to the project is approved. “

“It’s already a medieval debate and we need it to be approved,” he said in a dialogue with Bugle Melania Buero, of Actresses Argentinas. “We need this year to become law so that they recognize our right to decide in our body. Actresses must give visibility to what is happening in this women’s movement, it is a historic achievement of many generations of women, ”she said after meeting. vote.

“Let abortion be a law,” says Amira Molaheb (28), who, as a social worker, has already lost count of the number of women she accompanied during voluntary terminations of pregnancy in the centers. health where she works at Florencio Varela and La Argent. One of the last did not let her sleep. “I was very scared for her and for her children, because I knew she was going to have an abortion alone, without medical support and living in a neighborhood without access to public transport if she had an emergency,” she said, adding: “My wish for Christmas Eve is that there is no death by clandestine abortion. That all abortions are performed within the framework of the health system. “

Green activists celebrate the half penalty.  Photo credit: Rolando Andrade Stracuzzi

Green activists celebrate the half penalty. Photo credit: Rolando Andrade Stracuzzi

“I want this Christmas to become law and to stop judging women for our own decisions,” says Camila Rodriguez (18), a student from Tristán Suárez who spent the night with a friend near Congress.

“I am a political science student. I campaigned for legal abortion in 2018. Before, I had contradictions due to family influences but I was able to make my way and with information, my mom and dad joined. They are not believers, but they are conservative in certain ideas and reluctant to change. I ask you to inform yourself, because we see it in the testimony of legislators. Comprehensive sex education is lacking “.

Valentina (20) and Lara (20) are friends from Villa del Parque high school. With a green scarf as a mask and hair dyed blue and green, they say they have been fighting abortion since 2017 and have been through the vigil of 8A, 2018. “I feel like this time it will be approved. C “is urgent. We are fighting for a group,” said Victoria. “Our desire is that our health and our desire take priority over our own bodies, over our patriarchal views. This must change. It’s a new wave of feminism that is going opens the door to many new struggles “, he says.

Carolina is from Villa Crespo, she is 24 and is jumping with her one year old son sitting on her neck. “What I went through during my pregnancy, I do not wish on anyone. I wake up everyday with my belly growing and think ‘I don’t want this’ and I’m afraid to do it clandestinely, to be tried, ”he says. She says she loves her son today, but it was a “traumatic” process that took a lot of work.

“I want this to be the law and that no pregnant body should have an unwanted pregnancy, and I ask those against to inform themselves, because they are opposed out of ignorance. Hopefully none of them have to have an unwanted pregnancy.But if they have to, give them the option of having an abortion, ”he says.

Gimena Zarco (38), from Santiago, was unemployed during the pandemic. He is holding a poster calling for justice for Florencia Gómez, a CP activist who was the victim of femicide in October in Santa Fe. “She was a woman who put her body into battle, and today she cannot not be here, that’s why we brought her “, Explains. “My wish on Christmas Eve is freedom, equality and brotherhood for women, because the reality is that we have not yet achieved full democracy, we have always been second-class citizens and we must stop being so. Access to health must be universal and not class. “



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