For beginners and experts: the advice of Narda Lepes to keep in mind to cook


If it is a question of cooking, the word of Narda Lepes is of the first level: with his great career, it brought out his great talent, which even brought him to be responsible for television programs, either as an orchestra conductor or as a jury.

On this occasion, and taking advantage of his vast knowledge on the subject, the woman took advantage of his Twitter account to get many tips when preparing a dish of the kitchen.

For beginners and experts, these tips are not lacking and have been hailed by millions of people. In total, and up to now, the cook has unveiled more than 90 messages.

Look at all the tips!

1. What grows together is good, combines well with each other. In season For example, mushrooms and squash. Asparagus and artichokes. Peaches and tomatoes.

2. Use vegetables, raw probalos. Learn from the raw material. Touch, ole and probalos.

3. A good wardrobe is made little by little. Buy canned goods, spices, sauces. Small amount, a lot of variety.

4. Read the recipe before and understand what you are going to do and why. Disobey and change what you want if you understand it.

5. Finish simple dishes with fresh herbs, cheeses, crispy. They add texture and flavor profiles.

6. Be organized, clean while doing. Have everything ready and by hand before you start cooking.

7 . Do not weigh or measure as much. Learn to use the eye. (Except pastry!) Wake up the intuitive.

8 . Use pepper and not ground pepper

9. Shop at the grocery store. Start x there. Think about your garrison dish. The rest goes out alone

10 . The oven is not a deposit, use it.

11. There is a lot of rich food that is not cute and vice versa.

12. At home, the following recipes are for special moments. From day to day, you have to improvise.

13 . Read the labels of what you eat every day.

14 . Sharp knives are not stored in the drawer. They become dull

15 . Wash your hands before and after cooking.

16 . If cooking is long, little salt entry. Because it reduces and focuses.

17 . The acid and the sweet balance. In a sauce, in a dessert, in a salad …

18 . To access level 2, use the pressure cooker. Saves time, gas, energy.

19 . Think about your garrison dish. So you will eat more varied.

. A pot or a pan of iron. Change everything. ALL.

21 . Any meat, chicken, etc. NEVER point refrigerator to fire. At least 10 min at room temperature

22 . Get out of the oven, rest. Always meat, potatoes, chicken, whatever. At least 5 minutes

23 . A little of a good cheese far more than a lot of bad cheese.

24 . Do not be afraid of butter. Just combine it with vegetables or fish. It enhances the taste of what it costs you the most to eat.

. Be patient, leave things brown.

26 . Everything works, half-lemon half-squeezed (you get a cold mila), the fondito franc mustard (for dressing), the little cheese bad (inside the soup or stew). Do not throw anything away

27 . When you make rice, it makes more. The sauteed rice is made with cold rice.

28 . If you do not like how it was, improve it. Learn to correct. Everything can be "patched".

29 . Cutting and peeling the squash is a bit scary in the dark. Wash and cook in the oven. Until it is well cooked. When you go out, you do what you want.

30 . Do not go shopping hungry. (Shopping plus) hungry kitchen, you put more wave.

31 . The remains do not exist. It's food, not leftovers. Ideal for eating a little bit of everything, it helps to vary. 2 croquettes, half a tomato, a little rice 1 pear. Co mi da.

32 . Almost everything with an egg on the top is a good meal. (A la plancha, fried, pocheadp, hard, 5 min)

33 . It is impossible to eat well from scratch every time. Grated carrot, white broccoli, roasted pumpkin, freezer milas, soup made, have the refrigerator with pre-production.

34 . Edit your Kitchen Empty crates and shelves of things broken or repeated. Leave only what you use. You will cook more.

35 . Use the grill's remaining fire to cook something for later. Peppers, whole onions, eggplants … in the evening it leaves roasted. Or dessert … cinnamon bananas …

36 . The iron is heated for a long time on a low to medium heat. When we put the meat, we go up a little. If we start at the maximum, we have nowhere to go.

37 . When you say boil a few minutes and put ice water to cut the cooking, do not p # @ &! Try it then, filter and use immediately or later.

38 . Before incorporating dried fruits (nuts, etc.), try them. Sometimes they like to wet the furniture. By past.

39 . Never underestimate the power of an anchovy. In sauce, stir fry, mayonnaise, stew, dip

40 . Cooking if the tray is too big or too small affects the result. It dries before time or never does.

41 . Only if a cooking Jedi uses the oven floor. If this is not the case, the top gratin, the top x brown and the lower shelf cook evenly. SUBE heat.

42 . Before using a tomato berret, I always chose a humble but dignified vinegar.

43 . Bananas do not go in the fridge.

44 . Do yourself a favor, improve your life, learn how to make good beans. Always low fire, never bursts, time? A lot a lot. How many? A little more, if you need water, add it.

45 . When cooking beets leaves the skin a bit. Boiled or cooked. Until they are soft. Then they almost peel themselves

46 . Morrones polemics, many avoid them. Two roads, or very well cooked or raw with vinegar or lemon (criollita). Nothing in the middle … it's easier to repeat them.

47 . Boiled pumpkin is an emboli. Cook in a saucepan with water or broth and butter, (ajito, herbs, love) until it is soft and evaporates the liquid. The pure of glory.

48 . Electric stove Electric stove It serves everything.

49 . Bowl, partly made of metal or glbad (for bain marie) in ceramic or faience. Plastic? Nah

50 . You must learn to braze. A before and after mastering braising (baking in tasty liquid) infinite variables, never fails. Every humble court is transformed into something spectacular.

51 . Proven by science, many dishes are richer the other day, warmed up. The flavors are installed. The dish forms its personality.

52. If you are cooking stew, stew or sauce, you will see an unattractive sprinkler above. It is removed with a spoon. You pbad, you see, you take it out each time. This is what is called foaming. It serves.

53 . Level 2, brush. Applies the flavor evenly, for toasted, grill, oven, cakes …

54. Never stir the scrambled egg in the pot or pot. Always at the service. Remember in Padawan.

55 . Salt: sea, flake, kosher, barbecue. The common only when there is none else. Yes yes, this extreme. (All are not more expensive, only you have to look for them). Regalá rich salt. Be a good friend.

56 . Train your palate to taste varieties of the same product … buy a peach of each type, grapes, tomatoes, zucchini and zucchini, I felt the differences, remember them. It's an exercise. It serves.

57 . While we cook, we have a bowl or tachito to throw what we throw. If there is nothing for soup, tacho.

58 . El marlo de los choclos is a great addition to soups and stews. They soften a little and give body.

59 . Three rules for ordering pizza x tel. Always accompany it with a salad, always. Wait until the oven is turned on. Ask for the faina and keep it for another meal.

60 . Grated carrot The thick network does not understand anything. It is grated on the finished side. Thick without flavor, dries and kills gums no. I do not accept opinions here. Calabozo.

61 . Ah the cheese is grated even finer, on the side of the rasp that pulls pieces of joint. In this way, the flavor is no longer used.

62 . If you use cookbooks, take notes in the book. What did you change, what happened, if anything was missing, if it was dry … the next corregis.

63 . Open your stored spices, if they do not smell anything, they do not like anything.

64 . Squid We cook them very few minutes (between 3 and 5) or at least 45. In the middle, unless you know what you're doing, there is still some chewing gum.

65 . If things get stuck in your nonstick frying pan, you start eating Teflon. Sabelo.

66 . Use herbs, buy seedlings, sow. Buy fresh and take care of them. If they start to break down, do not let them rot, dry them. They change any dish.

67 . If you use the mandolin, it is better to be certified level 2. You play with the fingertips, the eyes.

68 . Butter paper is a one-way trip. Tenelo, you can wrap the cheese, in the source to roast, protect a chicken in the refrigerator, put a "lid" on something to cut down … etc etc etc etc etc

69 . Bones The broths, or the cooking grounds (epa, touch level 3), save the bones you can. And soup!

70 . If your kitchen sponge or yellow fabric is sweating you clean, it's time to change them.

71 . When it is time to season vegetables (squash, pumpkin) for roasting or sautéing, add a little sugar. Little

72 . For baked chicken, before seasoning, dry it well. A moment in the air, the mealador, the drier the better. I have to hang it and give it with a cold hair dryer … chicken with crispy skin.

73 . To send to the oven, in a bowl and in this order: vegetables, oil, roasted salt. Always oil first, then the rest.

74 . If you buy mascabo sugar (which tends to make cakes), add a little white sugar so that it does not stick.

75 . If you want to caramelize onions, double and save. You will use it for sure. And you save a little time. Sauces, pie, toppings, stew, empanadas

76 . If you want to make a good steak, there will be smoke. This means that there is enough heat, that it will turn brown. Nothing sadder than a gray churrasquito. He wants blue … or peach and lint

77 . If you want the best toast in the world, do it in a pan or iron with olive or butter. Well gilded on both sides. You're welcome.

78. He still has lemons

79. In the blender, always first liquid, then solid.

80. The pasta leaves the pot al dente and go to the pan, with sauce or butter, or garlic oil, etc. And 1 teaspoon of cooking water is added. With a net, we do not do anything. And move like crazy.

81. Marinar adds a thousand points. It can take a few minutes (cheese) or an hour (fish) a night (chicken or meat). Experimenta

82. If you want to cook fish in the pan or griddle, cut the fillets to the width of your spatula. So you can turn without breaking them.

83. If you put oil in oil, the result is an oily food. More there is oil in the pot or pot, less in the food.

84. Set of basic knives. A tall, small one with a good tip, one with a saw. Clearness.

85. The table goes into a ventilated place. Take it out of under the bacha. It takes together the smell and the moisture.

86 . If your leaves seem half dead, bowl with cold water for 10 minutes. They come back to life

87. Any liquid or oil that we put in a pan or wok, bypbades the edges, not directly in the center.

88. When you come back from shopping, wash fruits and vegetables. Everything is ready to eat and to use always.

89. If the fires in your kitchen are yellow, call the gas company.

90. The bacon goes to the pan, over low heat, quietly. Degreases and becomes crunchy.

91. Use natural yogurt for salad dressings, salads, sauces and cooking. Well with what was inspired by the Mediterranean or the Middle East … etc

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