For Capitanich, Pichetto "manifests a political incoherence"


  Capitanich targeted Senator Miguel Pichetto, head of the Argentine Federal Interblock

Capitanich targeted Senator Miguel Pichetto, head of the Argentine Federal Interblock.

The steward of Resistencia, Jorge Capitanich accused against the head of the Argentine federal interlock in the Senate Miguel Ángel Pichetto whereas "manifesto a certain political incoherence " with his critics of Kirchnerism and reminded him that he was commanding the government official block during the governments of Néstor and Cristina de Kirchner.

"I think that he manifests some political incoherence, because after being the head of the government block of Nestor and Cristina Kirchner maintains an opposition to this political reference" badyzed exgobernador eachño

In dialogue with Futurock, the Peronist leader badured that the "great challenge of the opposition" ahead of the 2019 presidential elections "is to establish a path that allows unity" and therefore "generate alternatives for building a leadership."

In this context, he said that currently the possible scenarios are a great primary involving all opposition political forces or "several primaries of different spaces where this leadership controversy is resolved."

On the prospects of change to stay in power beyond 2019, Capitanich said that "the government today is not able to achieve the 40%" of the votes. "

" We see a growing deterioration of the presidential figure and change, "added the communal leader of the capital Chaco, who linked this situation to the economic policies adopted in these two and a half years and concludes:" C & # 39 is a self-inflicted crisis by Cambiemos, which has generated a transfer of income from the poor to the rich. "

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