For Duran Barba, Macri and Cristina are "side by side"


Presidential advisor Mauricio Macri and the Cambiemos government, Duran Barba, gave an interview to Diario Perfil. There, he said that Macri and Cristina are "side by side".

Then part of the interview:

-Today, the government is accused of using the crack for electoral purposes. When Macri was a candidate, he had proposed to unite the Argentines, but the crack was pronounced in the future. Is the crack a crutch for a government that has no economic result and needs to appeal to it?

– Democracy implies different points of view and does not therefore presuppose a single party or a single ideology. Divergence is therefore constitutive of democracy. In Latin America, these divergences have increased in recent years. It's a long story: there are important sectors of society here in Argentina, in Ecuador as well, in Venezuela, who do not want democracy when I was a young man called "bourgeois democracy", in which he did not believe neither.

I thought that democracy was not acceptable, that the dictatorship of the proletariat should come and another series of ideas that seemed good to me at that time. Not after, because I saw that the effects were not good. There are people who are not democratic, they claim to have eternal governments, they do not agree with the division of powers, they do not agree with the freedom of the press .. and they are enough! They are in many countries and here are many! People who believe more in the press … and they have enough! They are in many countries and here are many! People who believe more in the power of the street than in the power of the ballot boxes, who believe in the permanent tightening. With this sector of society, which does not want a pluralistic and democratic society, there is a deeper distance than the others with which we disagree in the democratic society. I have no problem with Bachelet, with the Uruguayan left, they are democratic leftists, who are part of the system.

Now, if we are talking about arming people, as is the case in Nicaragua and Venezuela, to gather Quebrachos and piqueteros so that they have in the streets an armed power different from that of the institutions I absolutely do not agree with that. If you call it crack, well, it's the same position I've got here in Ecuador, Brazil, anywhere.

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-When the rain of dollars and investments did not come, did not it crack for electoral purposes?

– Absolutely not, because when Macri proposed to unite the Argentines, he did not propose to be part of a totalitarian society, he did not propose a single party, he did not Did not propose a secretariat similar to one that has an "ideological purpose". Those who believe in democracy really believe in a democracy in which there is disagreement, in which different groups representing different interests come together, go to elections, win, lose and can replace themselves in power.

– What you call "crack" is democracy versus anti-democracy?

– of course. When there is a group that does not want democracy, you can call it a crack. Other divisions are necessary and good in a democracy.

In Argentina or Brazil, those who oppose the government do not claim to be undemocratic.

-No, but they act to spit on the journalists of the Plaza de Mayo, they do everything they can to end the freedom of the press, they have paid official means (and I do not speak only Argentines, they are went with Correa) and they intend to go into a society. one-dimensional, in which they are right and the contradictions are resolved. In Correa's case, he wanted to bring Ecuador to a position more similar to Cuba's, totally disciplined, organized, where the one who does something goes to prison, there are no pickets, he does not. There is no strike, there is nothing … It was a ploy. The case here is more like that of Venezuela and Nicaragua, because those in the Kirchner government constantly opposed formal democracy: they claimed that there was no division of powers, that Congress was a clerk, justice had to be changed to obey them. and eternalize in power. It was more than half of humanity until 1970.

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– Do you think that the 30% of Argentina who support Kirchnerism are not democratic?

– He wants a society that does not contain the constituent elements of democracy: freedom of the press, division of powers, respect for human rights. They do not want that. The company of tightening, threat, fight against the freedom of the press is not democratic.

Do not you find a link between a less prosperous economy and an increase in conflict?

-It's nothing to do one with the other. If we talk about the division of the country, let's remember that Mauricio won with 50% of the votes against 50% of Scioli, points plus points. This authoritarian society lasted twelve years.

– Are not you afraid that if Macri wins in a situation similar to that of 2015, 51% against 49% and being Cristina Kirchner and not Scioli the 49%, it will be even more difficult to govern than in 2015, and more difficult to reach a legislative consensus?

-It can be or not. The problem for Cristina Fernández is that, if she loses these elections, her political career poses serious problems. He will not be the leader of the opposition, his supporters will lose hope of coming back to power. In other words, a defeat of Kirchnerism in the next elections means a reorganization of the whole political scenario.

– Will Kirchnerism weaken much more than it weakened after the defeat of 2015?

-Insurance. In 2015, they lost some time and Cristina's alternative was left behind. When the Narvaez Rouge won the 2009 elections, the idea that Néstor and Cristina fled to Venezuela, which were over, was almost unanimous. I told Clarín this Monday: "Cristina may be the next president". But not for nothing, for the studies we have. I will send you something that I asked you to do the week before. There is a daily survey: every day, a third survey is performed to replace the older one and allow you to see the evolution of a variable over time.

-You have been doing it for a decade.

Yes I asked them to take the image of Cristina over the last two years, the positive and the negative, and put on the track the dates of all the scandals that there was to see if when each of these events appears, the corruption moves or does not move. It's sensational.

– Do not move anything?

-Move a little. In favor sometimes.

– In favor of Cristina?

Yes Negatives go down. They will say that I promote corruption. No! I am a guy who is trying to see the reality. I have the opportunity to badyze this.

– Kirchnerism is not destroyed by corruption, but ceases to be an option for power?


Would losing it do a lot more harm than the accumulation of corruption lawsuits?

-Duhalde had several great phrases, one of which was: "In Peronism, whoever loses is a traitor"


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