For Eduardo Feinmann, voters are "hot heads"


The journalist criticized the people who plan to vote for Kirchner in October

Eduardo Feinmann

is one of the most detrimental journalists of the governments who chaired



Cristina Kirchner

. In the latest issue of Feinmann910, the radio show he directs at La Red, the reporter made harsh comments to voters who would choose the former president,
splashed by various causes of corruption, in the

the elections


At the opening of the cycle, Feinmann reviewed several recent events, such as the request of former Cabinet Chief Kirchner,

Aníbal Fernández

identify and provide "a fix" to a man who photographed Cristina in a first clbad seat during a flight to Panama, a previous stop on her trip to Cuba, where her daughter lives



"The K government is aware of the corrections, they killed a prosecutor, they spit pictures of journalists and made popular judgments in the Plaza de Mayo, with


[de Bonafini] at the bar, "he said.
testimony that Víctor Manzanares, excontador of the Kirchner family, offered the weekend to
The cornice, the driving program

Luis Majul

in America.

"Manzanares is not [la causa de]

the notebooks

This is not photocopy or photos. It's a guy, repentant of K's infamous regime. A presidential family accountant who told what the maneuvers looked like, "he added.

"Do you realize why I say they're traitors?" Asked Feinmann. "There was a systematic plan of disappearing money made by a gang of criminals, a criminal organization."

"And to say that 30% of you still think like that and continue to vote for these people," they steal but they do it ", it's deplorable, thermocephalic, that's what they are, a head of tachy, you have to be a thermo head.A true band of unscrupulous people, gangsters, we ruled for 12 years, immorality carries us, "he closed.


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