For Faurie, the Bolivarian brisita intends to intervene on our countries


The regional scene imposed a reflection on the Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jorge Faurie, who told Radio La Red that "there is a coordinated action of very organized people, with almost drawn methods who acts generate situations of extreme violence"with that there is a" search for institutional chaos ".

Faurie said the Argentine government was "very attentive" to the development of crises in neighboring countries. "We must be vigilant," said the Chancellor "in Argentina, we are in a phase of electoral campaign and the political forces are focused on Sunday's elections. "

The government official of Mauricio Macri spoke about the "statements of the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and the President of the National Constituent Assembly of this country, Diosdado Cabello.

"The truth is that we must be attentive because what we defend here is freedom, freedom that does not exist in Venezuela"Faurie said." They want that to continue; and we, especially through our vote, need to define whether we want to live in freedom or not. "

"This" brisita ", who calls herself, clearly intends to intervene in the political, institutional and social life of our countries like threatening us with a Bolivian hurricane that brings hunger, poverty, dictatorship, lack of freedom, prison, "said the Chancellor.

In the case of Chile, Faurie said that the anarchists "generate destabilizing attempts, as was the case of the President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno, who was treated in a very pejorative way by the madurismo".

"In the case of President (Sebastián) Piñera, it is a president legitimately elected by a clear majority – the Chileans have always had a trajectory of institutional respect – and what they want, it is to generate through images anarchy, as if most were against. "


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