for Fox News Argentina is on its way to Venezuela


On the American television channel, the country is "the new victim of socialism", which creates "total confusion with an economy aimed at chaos"

"Argentina on the verge of collapse." With this title, the Fox News channel presented a report in which it badyzed the political and economic situation of the country. In the cycle, it was claimed that the country was "the new victim of socialism" and that the possibility for Alberto Fernández to win the October 27 elections would be the "first step towards a crisis like that of Venezuela".

The presenter was US journalist Trish Regan (pictured), who, along with Gary Kaltbaum and Adam Johnson, reviewed the situation in the country.

During the seven minutes that lasted the conversation between the three parties, the situation that the government of Mauricio Macri was facing was detailed and the two men insisted that the future would be that of Venezuela .

In an introductory monologue, Regan said that Argentina was a new "victim" of socialism, while the shared screen presented images of different manifestations of social movements intervening between the last days: the camp of Avenida 9 de Julio de Buenos Aires and walking in front of Congress to ask for food emergency.

"The new victim of socialism is Argentina, it's a question that nobody talks about except us." The country is in total confusion with an economic issue focused on chaos, parades on the streets and all this because of the threat that socialism can return to the government, "said the reporter.

Regan also spoke about the program granted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and, while recalling that it was the largest program in the agency's history, he stressed that the United States was the main shareholder.

"The IMF is mainly financed by US taxes, that is to say you and I. So, I ask the question: why are we spending all this money in countries that adhere to socialism? to put themselves in their way and continue to capitalist model that could take them somewhere. "

Interviewees noted that Macri is a capitalist closely linked to Donald Trump ("one could say they are friends") and said that together, with more time to implement their economic policies, their government could have been successful.

In addition, they badured that in the past, Argentina had nationalized several companies and increasingly imposed the presence of the state. "Socialism wins for everything it promises but will never materialize.They will return to the socialist style of economics that will not work and never work," insisted Regan. He closed with a new sentence referring to Venezuela and Nicolás Maduro: "Argentina could be next online. That would be a pity."

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