For IAPA, “independent journalism in Cuba is going through its most critical period”


Cubans took to the streets on July 11 to protest the Cuban regime (Photo: REUTERS)
Cubans took to the streets on July 11 to protest the Cuban regime (Photo: REUTERS)

Independent journalism in Cuba “Going through its most critical period in decades”, warned this Friday on Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) during the presentation to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) a report on the results of his recent “virtual mission” to the Caribbean country.

“Independent journalism in Cuba is going through its most critical period in decades; but at the same time, lives its moment of greatest connection with the people and the historic responsibility to reflect a process of citizen participation unprecedented since the beginning of the socialist dictatorshipSays the IAPA in its report, released today.

A month after the past 11 July Massive protests will take place on the island to demand “freedom”, IAPA officials have staged a series of virtual meetings with journalists, intellectuals, artists, YouTubers, Catholic priests and lawyers who defend people prosecuted by the Castro regime.

During the “virtual mission”, IAPA directors have received case reports of gender-based violence, sexual abuse due to excess in criminal records, detention in cells without privacy even for cleaning up and online violence.

Likewise, there are complaints of “hacks“Accounts and identity theft to make social media posts that engage and they can eventually lead to criminal complaints, the report describes.

Police arrest a man (Photo: EFE)
Police arrest a man (Photo: EFE)

In Cuba, the entity specifies, the vast majority of media are public, but they do not broadcast dissonant voices. There is in them a “surgical bombardment freedom of expression to ensure political “apartheid” led by tyranny, “said one of those contacted.

Most of the IAPA interlocutors in Cuba asked anonymity, for security reasons, details the agency.

The world looks at Cuba in some cases with a romantic touch, in others with a certain disdain or with the conviction that nothing can or should be done.”, Said Carlos Jornet, chairman of the Miami, Florida-based IAPA Press and Information Freedom Committee during the presentation of the report.

According to SIP data, there are currently just over a hundred unofficial journalists on the island, many of whom are young people trying to voice their demands against the burden of pressure from the state.

The report assures that dozens more have left the country in the past three years, after having come under strong government pressure.

Protesters in Havana (Photo: Reuters)
Protesters in Havana (Photo: Reuters)

Also, add the document, it is calculated in around 20 unofficial women journalists across the country.

To journalists cataloged as “RC“(The counter-revolutionaries), they also undergo interrogations”who represent an interference in their private life and threats to withdraw parental authority over their children“Describes the report.

The president of the continental entity, Jorge Canahuati, stressed that this was one of the few missions that, still in virtual form, the IAPA has been able to carry out in Cuba since the arrival of communism to power, and the first taking advantage of new video platforms.

Canahuati considered “It is imperative that the international community demand respect for fundamental human rights on the island and support the courage of independent journalists who risk their freedom every day ”.

The Commissioner participated in the report handing ceremony Stuart Ralón, IACHR rapporteur for Cuba; the special rapporteur for freedom of expression, Pedro Cow; representatives of the IACHR Executive Secretariat team and IAPA members.

(With information from EFE)

Read on:

IAPA’s hard report on journalism in Cuba: “It continues to be restrictive against the exercise of press freedom”
Cuban journalist Henry Constantine after his arrest: “The people have understood that they are capable of defeating the regime”

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