For immigration, Trump will impose tariffs in Mexico until it reaches 25%


This announcement follows the arrest of 1,036 undocumented immigrants on the border with Mexico. "Yesterday (Wednesday), border police officers arrested the largest group of illegal aliens: 1,036 people crossing the border illegally in El Paso around 4:00 am," Trump said. in a tweet, accompany your message with a video of more than two minutes showing dozens of silhouettes crossing a fence.

To integrate

On June 10, the United States will impose a 5% tariff on all goods coming into our country from Mexico, until irregular migrants arrive in Mexico and in our country, STOP. . The tariff will increase gradually until the problem of illegal immigration is solved, ..

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 30, 2019

The Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a statement that the group had crossed the Rio Grande in the El Paso area of ​​Texas and had been "immediately" arrested.

All members – 934 family members, 63 unaccompanied minors and 39 single adults – were from Guatemala, Honduras or El Salvador.

CBP said large groups had been found in the area, most recently on Monday, when officers arrested 430 people.

The 1,036 arrested Wednesday join more than 530,000 foreigners detained or found at entry points on the southwest border since 1 October 2018.

Mbad detention occurs after the death of Darlyn Cristabel Cordova-Valle, a 10-year-old Salvadoran girl who died in police custody after crossing the border. The democratic opposition denounced the fact and accused Trump of trying to conceal it.

"Democrats must support our incredible border patrol and finally fix the loopholes of our border!", Added Trump in his tweet.

Earlier, speaking to reporters in the White House, Trump accused the opposition, which controls the lower house of Congress, of blocking any initiative at the border and of not supporting legislation to end what he called a "ridiculous" policy. American on asylum seekers.

Mexico has described Thursday as "disastrous" the announcement of the US president. Jesus Seade, vice-chancellor for trade negotiations with North America and Mexico, was at a press conference to explain in detail the process of ratification of the renewed trade agreement between Mexico, the states United States and Canada (T-MEC) when the threat has been taken. Trump launched on Twitter.

"It's something disastrous, this implemented threat would be very serious (…) If that were to happen, we needed to react energetically," Seade said., who was for almost a year the chief commercial negotiator of the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador in front of the United States.


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