For Jaime Bayly, Cristina "is an actress" and Argentina, "an asylum"


Jaime Bayly described Cristina as a "melogrammatic actress" and compared the country with an asylum

Peruvian journalist and writer
Jaime Bayly said that Cristina Kirchner "is a melodramatic actress" and compared the situation in the country after the voluptuous Frente de Todos victory at the Sunday OSP with that of a psychiatric institute.

During an interview in
Two voices (TN), Bayly said the former president and vice-candidate in the formula he's driving
Alberto Fernandez "It is a melodramatic actress, she promises the Argentines that they win, they will all be happy, but that the happiness of an individual can not depend on a politician."

In addition, he was surprised by the defeat of the party in power, which got 32% of the vote, against 47% for Kirchner. "I could not imagine the beating they were going to inflict on him," he said.[
Mauricio Macri]He is defeated, I think he's been mismanaging. I supported him and I still support him, but as a leader, he failed. "

Although he considered that Alberto "does not have a puppet vocation" and that his eventual presidency "will not be the Apocalypse", he was reluctant with regard to the circle restricted to kirchnerism. Therefore, he said that Fernández "will have to determine if he will govern with Cristina Kirchner, Máximo [Kirchner],
FieldAxel [Kicillof], or if you will uncheck them and work with more rational people. "

He also rejected parallels between Cristina and
Sergio Mbada they drew between Venezuela from
Nicolás Maduro and Argentina from Macri. "Chavez Venezuela was never as close to Argentina as during the last years of Cristina's government.Control of prices, irresponsible issuance and nationalizations, Kicillof was himself a minister of finance." Chavisist economy that left the Central Bank unqualified ", closed



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