For Julio María Sanguinetti, Uruguay can not continue "tied to a mediocre Mercosur" – 03/16/2019


The former president and Colorado Party (PC) candidate, the Uruguayan Julio María Sanguinetti, said in an interview with the EFE news agency that Uruguay could not continue in a " mediocre "Mercosur that does not give the" necessary answers ".

For the one who was president of Uruguay between 1985-1990 and 1995-2000 and who is one of the referents of the return of his country to the democracy, the idea of ​​this union between l & # 39; Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay – created in 1991 – are still worthwhile but needs changes.

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"The first thing to do today is to make sure that the free trade zone works, that there really is a free movement of goods between us," said the lawyer.

According to the politician, Mercosur also needs another important change: it stops working as a "lock or corset" that does not allow member countries to join free trade agreements with other "essential" economic spaces, as are some countries. Asians

Brazil's Finance Minister Paulo Guedes is highly praised by Sanguinetti. EFE

Brazil's Finance Minister Paulo Guedes is highly praised by Sanguinetti. EFE

"We can not continue linked to a mediocre Mercosur it really does not give the necessary answers, "added the author.

Sanguinetti also pointed out that he was not the only one in the region to think so, as the Argentine and Brazilian governments would be "inclined" to seek a solution of this type.

"(A Mercosur) with one step less in blocking tariffs, with more possibilities of freedom, the commercial freedom itself, the borders lifted for trade between us, but also a possibility to seek every partial agreement", has he stressed. .

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He added that he considered it difficult the possibility of a trade agreement between Mercosur and the European Union (EU).

"We have had years of unsuccessful attempts, I have the impression that it is difficult, we have already hit French agriculture, we are now clashing with French agriculture and from Eastern Europe, there are a lot of difficulties related to conflicts of interest, but this should be a good prospect for both spaces, "he said.

Sanguinetti told EFE that he was president, relations with Argentina and Mauricio Macri "would run smoothly"

Sanguinetti told EFE that he was president, relations with Argentina and Mauricio Macri "would run smoothly"

As for the relations between Uruguay and his neighbors he became president in 2020, the writer and journalist said that with the Argentine government Mauricio Macri "things would go very well "and that with Brazil" he trusts ". "that too.

"There is still no such specific definitions (with Brazil), the disease itself or the aftermath of the attack against the president have a little bit of a bit of distinction, but the minister ( of the Economy), (Paulo) Guedes, who somehow defines the economic guidelines are going in a rather liberal line that would correspond to our current needs, "he added.

One of the key points of your political agenda, which has not been announced yet, will be security. This is why he wants to eradicate the criminal gangs that operate in Uruguayan cities, especially in the capital.

For Sanguinetti, the key is not only policing but also a "state shock" that affects all sectors of the country, from polyclinics to schools.

Author of several books, he again chose to be a candidate after finding that after the withdrawal of Senator Pedro Bordaberry, PC candidate, the party was in a "very difficult" situation.

At the same time, Sanguinetti's goal is that if the PC's internal elections win the June internal elections, they will run for the presidency (which will be held at the end of October). of the Frente Amplio is not finished with a fourth consecutive victory.

"There are two objectives: first, to position the CP in a decisive position at the electoral level and second, to install the idea of ​​a coalition government (with the National Party), since the reality does not say that of them would have the power 35% or 40

Despite his 83 years, the former president said that this age was relative, the former German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer having finished at 88 and having "left Germany restored", while the Emperor of Rome "

Source EFE



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