For Lagarde, the economy is recovering and calls the candidates to maintain the economic plan – Telam


Lagarde ensures that the Argentine economy "comes out of the depths of the crisis"

The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, today estimated that the Argentine economy was coming out of the bottom of the well and sent a message to the political leaders facing this year's presidential elections to maintain the current program. economic

At a press conference, at the opening of the Spring Assembly of the IMF and World Bank in Washington, the manager spoke about "two key messages" and briefs for the ########################################################################### 39; Argentina.

We start to see that the program really works"

On one side, he encouraged "we are starting to see that the program really works, we feel that Argentina is about to come out of the bottom" of the recession.

On the other hand, Lagarde took this opportunity to address a message to the future candidates of the 2019 presidential campaign. "Now that so much effort has been made, in a program where social protection has always been one essential priorities, it would be foolish for any candidate to turn their backs on the work in progress, "he said.


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