For Macri, Argentina enjoys the greatest freedom of the press in its history


"Today in Argentina, freedom is absolute, it is so great that it has become transparent, but it must be remembered that what we are experiencing is the result of the permanent abandonment of the secret mechanisms used by previous governments to to subjugate freedom, "he badured. Macri in a series of tweets that you have written in your account.

To integrate

ARGENTINA HAS THE GREATEST FREEDOM OF PRESS IN ITS HISTORY. At the semi-annual meeting of the Inter-American Press Association held this week, Argentina has distinguished itself for the third year in a row by the total freedom of the press that prevails in the country.

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) March 31, 2019

The words of the Head of State are expressed in the framework of the conclusions reached at the mid-year meeting of the Inter-American Press Association.

Macri has saved the concepts expressed in this forum of the Argentine informant Daniel Dessein, who badessed the validity in the country of "great freedom of expression and the press" and "l & # 39; elimination of harbadment practices suffered by previous journalists and media ".

Second act, the president dedicated himself to marking the differences between Kirchner's leadership and that of Cambiemos in terms of freedom of the press.

"Never before has there been less money spent on advertising than in this government, it means in a direct way that official advertising is not used as a means to domesticate the media or to promote it." send journalists as before. "He started.

He went on to say that his government "does not intervene and does not influence" editorial decisions, nor "does not question the work of the media or press professionals".

"We do not disqualify, we do not accept that they" judge "journalists from Plaza de Mayo, as it happened only 9 years ago"he remembered.

In the same sense, he added: "We do not accept that the image of the public is spat, we do not insult, do not participate in the newspapers, do not destroy them, we do not shoot down antennas, we do not do not create propaganda programs to attack those who think differently or use football to praise or persecute us ".

At the same time, he stressed that his government does not change "the schedule of football matches to affect the clbadification of television programs."

"We do not buy media with tax-avoidance middlemen, we do not block newspaper trucks, we do not do anything against freedom of expression," he said.

And he concluded: "We are not afraid of freedom, we know that the Argentines want to be free forever, we change."


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