For Margarita Stolbizer, "this government is doing the same as the previous" – 25/07/2018


Margarita Stolbizer has criticized Cambiemos for the cases of stupid contributors to the last two election campaigns and that they are investigating Justice, having made a contribution in one of the causes that are handled in Comodoro Py.

" I have much criticized the previous government because they lived outlawed the law was only for the giles, and they do the same " , he said in dialogue with the broadcast of Jorge Lanata on Miter radio

The head of GEN interrogated the ruling party who promised to be different "but repeated the irregularities that are still being investigated regarding the contributions to the campaign of Cristina Kirchner in 2007 supposed to come from ephedrine. "

They want to hide the elephant in the flock, as s & # 39; 39, they said "yes, everyone does it." They do not do everything. We have to stop this, put an "never more" corruption, we can not spend in Argentina what which is put on election expenses it is immorality, "he said.

The leader of the GEN and former presidential candidate presented to her lawyer Silvina Martínez a new complaint incorporating 150 new cases of funding "set up by false contributors". Justice is "amicus curiae" and asks that the investigation be limited not only to the last campaign, but extend to the presidential elections of 2015.

Stolbizer detailed that in his presentation focuses on "illegal money" contributed through could not put it, and as a result they used "the fake contributor's figure to launder money that could not be put because he was proscribed ".

In that sense he explained that there are different categories: that of "candidates" who are the candidate cases to the titular incumbent advisors who contributed for 38 thousand pesos; "employees of municipalities" ; "Beneficiaries of Social Plans" and "Companies" who made contributions through their list of employees.

controversy around the issue of contributors that also splashes Peronism and the Renovador Front, Stolbizer badyzed the bill on financing, at the presidential horizon in 2019.

" You must put the candidate in charge the candidate can not ignore, but the executive project does not say it, they are the most voted candidates in the last elections and do not report to anyone, they do not give any explanation, "he complains.

Stolbizer notes that with the exception of his party and the Left Front and the workers, during the 2015 campaign, the rest of the forces did not "approve their accounts and presented it in 2017." He therefore asked that in addition to the economic sanctions, there be electoral sanctions , like that of a few days ago it was Miguel Del Se l who was disqualified from the public service following a complaint about the origin of funds for his 2011 campaign.

"The verdict came out this year, he was a candidate in 2015 and he was almost governor, "remembers Stolbizer about the election of the former Midachi, who ended up winning Miguel Lifschitz

Journalistic complaints, There are currently three cases that are investigated for alleged fraud and money laundering in Cambiemos campaign funds. One of these three cases was initiated by Di Lello with electoral competence

In addition, there is another in the courts of Comodoro Py, in charge of Judge Sebastián Casanello and the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli, investigating the correct contributions from Cambiemos to the last election campaign in the province of Buenos Aires, for the alleged money laundering, and that is where Stolbizer made his contribution.

The last is in the city of La Plata, which originated after the denunciation of MPP Teresa García (FPV) and which was in the hands of Judge Ernesto Kreplak. Governor María Eugenia Vidal has been denounced as PRO President at the provincial level, Jorge Macri and Néstor Grindetti as first and second Vice President of Space and Federico Salvai in his role as Secretary General.

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