For Mauricio Macri, there is "a very difficult electoral struggle"


At the Freedom Foundation's annual dinner, the president told Vargas Llosa that he was "liberal in the broad sense of the word". Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez


Mauricio Macri

He admitted that there was "a very difficult election struggle" ahead, even though he was confident that



in October

and believed that Argentina was "coming out slowly" from the crisis. "We will reaffirm that the Argentines will not return," he said last night during a public dialogue with the writer

Mario Vargas Llosa


At the annual dinner of
thinking group
Fundación Libertad, Nobel Prize for Literature 2010, asked the President why Argentina "persists with so many problems" despite "gigantic resources", an "advanced society" and a "very high-level political clbad" and that "It know exactly what to do. "

Macri said that the "change" undertaken after taking office in December 2015 "is something very profound" and that in Argentina there was "a fascination for magical solutions and shortcuts" that led to poverty. and exclusion. "We thought we could write a different book, that we could override the law of gravity," he said of the past.

In the central hall of
Goldencenter, in the Parque Norte complex on the Costanera, in front of hundreds of guests – ministers, officials, lawmakers, businessmen, industrialists – Macri felt that the country "had given a change that surprised the world "in 2015 and that the government was" liberal ". in the broad sense of the word. "He mentioned as achievements the independence of the

central bank

, the work of


, investment in energy and transport and "wonderful links with almost everyone". However, he acknowledged that this reversal of the situation in 2015 "required more debate", especially with regard to economic issues, and stated that "there was no awareness the level of gravity "of the country's situation.

When Vargas Llosa insisted on asking why Argentina continued "badly", Macri admitted that his administration needed "a lot of time". "I recognize that we were able to lose a year in financial terms, we did not start at the beginning to reduce public spending and we set ourselves goals

l & # 39; inflation

that does not fit the

budget deficit

"The President also recalled that he was acting as a minority in the

The Congress

and this consensus can not always be reached.

"In football, it is always possible that the scorer or player who saved your match will appear, but it is much more complex than football: there is no [Juan Román] Riquelme to save you. I would like that there is a Riquelme that comes to do magic and solves all the problems that concern millions of people engaged every day to work, respect the neighbor, respect the law, respect the freedoms. That's how a country is built! ", Said the president in reference to a former football player

Juan Román Riquelme

, Club Atlético Boca Juniors star in a stage of glory, when Macri was president of the club.

Macri went to dinner at Parque Norte next to

Juliana Awada

, having attended the
Gala offered by the kings of


at the Four Seasons Hotel. Ministers or secretaries were also at Goldcenter

Guillermo Dietrich


Patricia Bullrich


Jorge Faurie

(Foreign Relations),

Sergio Bergman

(Environment and Sustainable Development),

Pablo Avelluto


Lino Barañao

(Science and technology); the chef de cabinet,

Marcos Peña

; and the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro.

Dietrich and Bullrich with businessman Cristiano Rattazzi
Dietrich and Bullrich with businessman Cristiano Rattazzi Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

Juliana Awada
Juliana Awada Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

Marcos Peña and Luciana Mantero; standing, Francisco Cabrera
Marcos Peña and Luciana Mantero; standing, Francisco Cabrera Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

Chancellor Jorge Faurie
Chancellor Jorge Faurie Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

Vargas Llosa asked Macri twice about the situation in Argentina
Vargas Llosa asked Macri twice about the situation in Argentina Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez

The Nobel Prize for Literature 2010, the Head of State and the President of the Libertad Foundation, Gerardo Bongiovanni
The Nobel Prize for Literature 2010, the Head of State and the President of the Libertad Foundation, Gerardo Bongiovanni Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ignacio Sánchez


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