For networks, Macri described as "bestial" the explosion of Luis DElía


A few days after the kirchnerist leader Luis D Elia had asked to be "shot in the Plaza de Mayo", the head of state Mauricio Macri posted a message in his social networks against this type of crime. ;expression. The president pointed out "hate spokesmen," which he termed "noisy and threatening, but rare."

Among other things, the President found it unnecessary to "persuade with arguments of understanding and tolerance". "Although the voices of hate are noisy and threatening, they are rare, there are many more Argentineans who want to live in peace, many more are tolerant," In the text broadcast, Macri criticized "all expressions that incite contempt for those who, for whatever reason, are different from one ", or" for reasons of religion, nationalism,

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"Declarations that promote peace disruption: tweets, notes, messages, emails, WhatsApp messages and documents of all kinds that encourage the idea of ​​persecuting a person or group of people; violence as a possibility legitimate to impose, whatever the threats … All these expressions and many similar expressions are hate speech, "said the president.

The President felt that these situations should be "understood as a disease socially and isolate them until the fuel is exhausted from their fury."

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