For raping and murdering a child, they were publicly executed with a bullet in the heart – 02/10/2019


Yemen executed two men who kidnapped, raped and killed a 12-year-old boy. Each of the criminals was shot in the back and pierced their hearts.

Wadah Refat, 28, and Mohamed Khaled, 31, were convicted of raping and murdering 12-year-old Mohamed Saad.

Dr. Salah Mohamed Hussein, director of Aden's forensic department, gives Mohamed Khaled water before he is executed (REUTERS).

Dr. Salah Mohamed Hussein, director of Aden's forensic department, gives Mohamed Khaled water before he is executed (REUTERS).

Hundreds of people They met in the port city of Aden to see how the two men had been shot in front of the crowd.

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In May 2018, Mohamed Saad was playing next to the house where one of the murderers was living. Wadah Refat and Mohamed Khaled left the house, forcibly took the child away and raped him. The boy started screaming for help and one of the elders killed him by cutting his throat.

Wadah Refat, 28, one of two rapists and murderers of the 12-year-old boy (REUTERS).

Wadah Refat, 28, one of two rapists and murderers of the 12-year-old boy (REUTERS).

A relative of the murderers, 33 years old, she was also sentenced to death to help dismember the child's body, but her public performance has been postponed because she's pregnant and they will perform it when they stop badfeeding the unborn child.

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The badbadins were taken under threat of arms into the public square where they were executed. as a last resort, a doctor gave them water before receiving the order to lie face down on a blanket.

The doctor oversees the execution of the murderers while a crowd attends the execution (REUTERS).

The doctor oversees the execution of the murderers while a crowd attends the execution (REUTERS).

Two men stood above them, pointed their AK-47 on their backs and opened fire on a crowd that applauded the execution of the badbadins.


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