For the "drama of the guarantee" for rent, bail requests have been doubled


The rising dollar has truncated the dream of the house itself to many families, who had to give up the purchase of a property with a mortgage loan after the liquefied devaluation the ability of 39, buy their loan. In this context, many people had to re-rent and inquiries were opened on the surety bond, the alternative that tenants have before the requirement of a property warranty.

According to the Instituto Asegurador Mercantil, in July the number of inquiries on this type of services that banks and insurers provide doubled . The reason is that the policy "allows the landlord to have a tenant with a proven and sufficient income, and to obtain certainty regarding the payment of rent in time and form," IAM said.

María Luz Gómez, commercial director of the Institute, said that last July "there had been an explosion of investigations into the system of rental guarantees offered". He pointed out that consultations "doubled in July compared to June, and the trend is expected to continue to grow in the second half of the year," he said.

"Leasing insurance operates worldwide as a lever for the rental market, facilitating the closing of operations, which is an excellent instrument for real estate," Gómez explained.

How They Work and How Much They Cost

Getting an exclusive warranty remains a problem for many tenants. Usually, owners of porteño buildings, to offer them for rent, seek that the guarantee be a property located only in the federal capital and come from a close relative, which limits the possibilities of the majority of potential tenants .

Leasing insurance usually covers the monthly payment of rent expenses, taxes, property damage, legal fees, civil liability (glbad, theft, fire, among others), emergency services, and coverage for the renter and his family group for the entire contract.

Surety insurance does not have a defined cost but will depend on each property. According to a survey conducted by among the leading insurers who offer the service, the average price is around the value of a month and a half rent, although it may be more expensive depending on the extent of the coverage. Public banks were rising among financial institutions.

The companies take into account the cost of the rent and the expenses of realization of the estimate, and propose in general different modes of financing, between 6 and 24 installments according to the insurer.

They seek to eliminate the payment of commissions in Buenos Aires

Two projects in the Porteño Congress seek to prohibit real estate from charging commission to the detriment of tenants. These are two initiatives, one by the ruling party and the other by the opposition, which aim to emulate the current law on rents in the city of Buenos Aires.

The project of the ruling party has, with regard to real estate commissions in rental contracts with housing, that the professional can charge between 2 and 4%. And it adds that the payment will be "at the expense of the owner, not being able to invoice to the tenant when it is a human person, fees, or expenses of management related to brokerage. "

Article 3 of the bill insists: "It is forbidden to charge commissions and / or fees of more than 4% of the total amount of the rental agreement, with accommodation, and in cases where the tenant is a person human, will be exclusively badumed by the owner. 19659002] The initiative presented by the Front for Victory also implies the trivialization of all payments. The text obliges "to carry out contractual economic operations through the companies of the banking system and to use the means of payment of the system". In this way, it would be mandatory for the owners to agree to collect the rent by bank transfer.

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