For the Ecuadorian government, Assange wanted to use the embassy as "spy center"


The Ecuadorian President, Lenin Moreno, said that the cyber-activist and founder of the WikiLeaks portal, Julian Assange, had attempted to use the Ecuadorian Embbady in London "as a spy center" and has deplored that the Australian "constantly violates the conditions" of his political asylum.

This was highlighted in an interview with the British newspaper The Guardian published today in which he defended his decision to end the Assange asylum – granted by the previous government of Rafael Correa – and stressed that this was not "arbitrary" but "based on international law."

"We can not allow our house, the house that has opened its doors, to become a spy center," added Moreno, while recalling that "this activity constitutes a violation of asylum conditions. ".

The hacker, whose website revealed in 2010 thousands of confidential documents of the US government, was arrested last Thursday after Ecuador withdrew its asylum that he had granted in 2012. .

British police forcibly arrested Assange, 47, because of a US surrender order and parole violation imposed by the British courts in 2012 as part of a request for damages. Extradition to Sweden.

The Guardian recalls that WikiLeaks was linked to an anonymous website revealing that Moreno's brother had created an offshore company (in a tax haven) and published private photographs of the Ecuadorian president and his family.

Moreno denied having acted in retaliation and insisted that the Australian had used the Ecuadorian legation in the UK to interfere in the democracies of other countries.

"Any attempt at destabilization is a reprehensible act for Ecuador, as we are a sovereign country and respectful of the politics of each country," said the head of state.


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